"I... I called you..." Stella stuttered but still managed to keep her voice strong and firm.

"Not you. Say my uncle or her dad."

"I called her dad first." Stella repeated after him while she stared at the exact spot that Allison got killed.

"What else? What happened?" He asked her, trying to make sure that Stella knew what to say when they have to all confess to the police.

"There were two of them." Stella muttered and her uncle hummed in response, "They tried to steal our car. They wore masks. One of them had a knife."

"You think. Don't get specific, Stella. You saw something sharp and metallic. You think it was a knife. What do you say next? If you get confused, what do you always repeat?" He asked her and Stella just shut her eyes tightly, forcing herself not to cry.

She's an Argent. She has to keep calm and be professional with her work.

"I-it happened so fast."

"That's right. Say it again." He ordered her.

"It happened so fast." Stella's dark eyes now staring into his blue eyes that were filled with sadness while Scott just stared at her in confusion.

"Can you remember anything else? Anything else? Stella?" Officer Parrish asked the four teenagers questions but he was mainly asking the Argent in the room because she was related to the deceased victim.

"I'm sorry, It just happened so fast." Stella muttered and stared at the ground while Noah wrapped his arm around her, so that she could lean against him and that's exactly what she did.

She leaned against him and just let the Sheriff comfort her at a difficult time. Scott, Isaac, and Lydia were all still in shock as well.

But, the pain that Stella was going through was the worst. She knew Allison her entire life and for her to witness her death at such a young time, it was horrifying. Seeing your best friend, your family be ripped away from you forever.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Stella." Parrish apologized to the brunette who was only thinking about her cousin.

"You know you don't have to be with us right now. You can go rest and take it easy." Scott tries to have Stella to go home and let them handle the situation after they were done talking to Parrish.

"No, I can't just leave you guys, Scott. Allison wouldn't have done that. She wouldn't just give up if it was me who died. She would have stayed strong and keep on fighting because this world that we live in is all about survival. And after what happened..." Stella tells him causing Scott to nod, understanding her but she continued talking,

"All I wanna do is survive now. Not because I want to but because Allison would want me to keep fighting. I'm the only female Argent alive now. Which means I have to stay alive to continue my cousins legacy. I can't let her down." Stella whispered softly causing Scott to bite his bottom lip and nod once again.

"Go check on Derek. He's y-" Scott tries to let out that Derek was her father and that was why she was a werewolf because of the Hale genes but stopped himself.

"He's what?"

"Nothing. Nothing, he's just helping the twins and might need your help right now. Plus, he can help you a lot more with the werewolf situation that you're having. He helped me." He saved himself but all Stella did was stare at him in confusion but nodded anyways and walked out to go to Derek's loft since it wasn't that far from the sheriff's station.

The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now