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Hey...more feels ahead. This is pretty short, sorry guys.


9 year old Leo

Leo bursts out the front door, ignoring his Tía's screaming.

He stumbles around the neighborhood but keeps on running.

"Leo Valdez!" The Latino boy hears a voice pierce through the quiet night.

He avoids the stares by the few people still out at this late hour. The sky is already completely dark.

Running behind a grocery store Leo stops and takes a ragged breath.

He slides down the brick wall and wipes holy water out of his face.

"Todo es el culpa del diablo, todo tu culpa. Te merced esto, demonio pequeño!"

Leo takes a ragged breath as his Tía grabs his neck once more and shoves his head into the water.

"Vete demonio. Vete!"

Leo hears the sirens of the police cars and stands up. He was not going back there.

Running away from the sirens, he was distracted and unfocused.

Soon the sirens were right behind him.

Leo snapped back to reality and tried to look for an escape but the police car swerved in front of him, making Leo stop.

It was Leo's first time running away, and he wasn't very good at it.

Little did Leo know that running would be something he'll eventually master.

The police man jumps out of the parked car and rushed over to Leo.

Leo uncertainly took a step back, as the man grabbed his arm.

Without a word Leo was thrown into the back of the car, and waited with horror that he would once again be sent back to her.

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