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"You come with her yet not me..." He said staring me dead in the face..

"Sorry..... I'm confused..." I said utterly confused out of my mind...

"You's know each others...?" Andi asked us both.

"Yea..... She goes my school and we went Costa together.." Justin replied.

"Oooooh... Is there a little sumtin, sumtin, going on with you's..." Andi sang.

"No...no way!!" I covered for both of us quickly. She looked disappointed. "So... Do you live together?" I asked chainging the subject.

"Yea... We've known eachother since primary... Always been close... Were like siblings." Andi said.

"Well.... Now I'm not as confused anymore..." I smiled.

"How did you and andi meet, exactly..." Justin asked me.

"We met at the mall.... Coz I got in trouble again and she helped me..." Andi replied.

"What did you do this time?" Justin said, evidanty pissed off.

"Stole a gun off the police..." She said innocently.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He chuckled, which made me smile... I love his chuckle.

"LOVE ME ALL YOUR PATHETIC LIFE COZ WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!!" Andi shouted, louder than she intended to. This made me laugh.

"So... Do you just both live alone together?" I asked.

"Yea.... Pretty much..." Justin shrugged.

"Yuh.... We both come from broken homes so we made our own happy life.... No rules...no parants.." Andi said to me.

"But... Your both 15, right?" I asked both of them.

"Ye... We both saved our money and rented this flat..." Justin said.

"Who lives nextdoor?" I asked politely.

"Abee Boswich... Lovely girl.. She's 15 aswell..." Andi replied.

"That's nice." I said. "What time is it?"

"It tis..... 4:53" andi said.

"Shit! If gotta go... My father gets back at 5:30 at it takes me 30 mins to be home!" I said really fast.

"Hurry then! Here's my number..." Andi said handing me a slip of paper.

*sorry this chapter was so shitty....its just a 12:20 in the middle of the night filler. I'll update more often*

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