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I sat down facing him and he smiled.
I was wearing my Gerard Way inspired outfit (if you don't know who Gerard Way is, google him).
"What is so important?" I asked him while smiling.
"I needed to buy you some coffee" he replied while smirking. I playfully hit him on the arm. This made him chuckle. And his chuckle made me chuckle. We ended up having a full on chuckle fight.
"Okay, buy me coffee then!" I said laughing.
"Your so straight forward" he said smiling and shaking his head.
"Thank you" I said flicking my hair stereotypical white girl style.
"What coffee do you want?" He asked.
"Starbuckkkssss!" I said like a white girl.
"You need to bleach your hair an wear a tonne of fake tan first" (no offence, stereotypical white girls) he said in a fake gay voice. I laughed really hard at this.
"No wayyyy!!" I said in a fake gay voice. This made him laugh.
"Did you dye your hair again?" He asked referring to my bright red hair.
"Yes, when I got back from school yesterday."
"The day before you robbed the grape juice?"
"How did you know that?!"
"I saw you...."
"Stalker..." I huffed while crossing my arms across my chest and smiling.
"Oh, shut up. You know you love me." He said pushing my arm playfully.
"No promisessss!" I said smirking.
"Whut???" He questioned.
"I'm only joking!"
"Heyyyy! I'm offended!"
"As well you should be."
"Thanks for the coffee. If there was breadsticks, I would stuff them into my bag."
"What bag?"
"Don't go....."
"Coz I'm having a good time..." He said. This made me blush like mad.
"Your blushinggggg!" He said in a gay voice.
"So are youuuuuu!" I said copping him.
"Really?!?!" He asked a little scared.
"No...." I smiled. "Are you even going to buy me coffee?"
"Come to mine."
"I can't" I said frowning.
"Oh.... When can you?"
"When I can sneak out the house..." I said just above a whisper.
"Sneak? So your like me?" He asked
"Why, what are you like?"
"I have to sneak out the house because I'm always grounded."
"No, I'm not like you. Sorry."
"Why are you sorry?"
"I don't know..."
"You don't know?"
"I don't know."
"Your so funny...."
"Your welcome"
"I have to go. My father will notice that I'm gone." I said, frowning.
"Well, message me when you get in so I know that your safe..."
"Okay." I said while blushing.
"Goodbye." I said smiling and getting up.
"Goodbye." He said, getting up himself. Then I left and went home.

*hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm going to update tomorrow swell. Maybe before I go school but defiantly after*

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