001. How to Write a GOOD Story

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Writing a story is easy. Writing a good story will take some hard work, but trust me, by the end of the roller coaster, you will find all the work worth it. Now lets get onto the actual guide.


1. You need a plot.

A plot, for people who don't know, is the something that happens during the story. It needs to be unique, different and damn interesting.

There are lots of books with Bad Boys and Nerdy Girls who somehow bump into each other and live happily ever after. If your heart is set out onto doing something like this, make it unique in your own little way.

Like for example, there is a bad boy. Maybe and/or possibly, the nerdy girl has met him before though he does not recognize her. Maybe they were childhood best friends. The girl, does not tell him her name for she is scared if he might recognize her and bla bla bla.

So to conclude, make your story different to everybody else'. Be yourself. Express your feelings through words and right for the fun, not for the sake.

2. Punctuation and Grammar.

Edit your damn work. You want people to read your book? Well, man up and edit it. And if you can't or simply just don't want to, go on a club and ask for editing help.
Simple as that. And if you're not convinced...

if u didnt notiocse im trying to convince u on wat unedited work looks like sure its not as bad as this but im puting under serious mind c0ntrol so pls just edit or get some1 to edit ur damn work

Okay, time for step three!

3. Make the characters unique.

You don't want a girl who does nothing but sit at home all day. You want her to be exciting, or at least have some unknown secrets. Make it mysterious, different to say the least.

I mean, would you rather read about a girl who sits in her house all day because her parents died when she was 2? Not only it doesn't make sense, but it's super boring.

Give her some secrets, something that makes the readers like the girl. Like... she sits alone because something is haunting her, as if eating her brain. I don't know, it's your imagination!

4. Use the correct length.

If you want readers to keep coming back, please don't write a chapter that only has 200 words and update only once a week. That's just horrible. A normal chapter consists of 1000 - 2500 words in my opinion but if you're writing a short story, probably 900 - 1900 words.

If you exceed those, people would call your story "a drag." Don't go explaining about the color of a chair or how you sat on it and how it felt, that's just weird in my opinion. Take out the unnecessary details and replace it on the basic surroundings and feelings of the character.

Eg. I saw a chair, just waiting to be sat on. The class was vaguely empty leaving me and the chair alone. I stared at the object, the brown surface glimmering in the sunlight. I walked towards it. I now stand next to it. Then I sat on it, not caring what it thought of my butt.


Simpler eg. The class was vaguely empty leaving me, the chairs and desks. I walk to the one at the back and sat on it.


Authors Note: So that's all for today. If you have any suggestions on what I should write about or what you need help with, state in the comments below. I might go into depth with all of these later on in the book, so stay put. I'll be updating the next part in around an hour so get ready! See you guys later!


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