(3) "Young Bloods"

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 "You're strong you can make it" he repeatedly whispered to himself while walking don the streets wearing his sweatpants and hoodie with no shirt inside.

  Tristan is too focused in himself that it took him quite some time to notice that Danny is calling out his name. He turned around and saw a very tied Danny holding out his wallet.

 "I'm sorry" Tris replied, snapping back to reality.

 "You dropped this" the college boy replied and handed Tris his wallet. He immediately thanked Danny though. Tris looked at his appearance and he looks like he's been doing some jogging.

 "You're lucky I'm kind. Anyway can I walk with you?"

 "Sure" Tris replied and the two continued walking.

 "How are you? Haven't got the chance to properly talk to you when you guys were at the house"

 "I'm good. Trying my best to move on just like everyone else"

 "How's family?" Danny asked as the two took a turn towards the school, unaware that Brett had seen them.

 "They're getting by" Tris replied and then looked at the still closed school. "Um .. I'm not gonna talk about the shooting anymore as I know it's still traumatic for you .. Instead, I'm gonna ask you about something"

 "What is it?" Tristan asked and then looked at him.

 "I'm Brad talked to you about me"

 "Why would he talk about you Danny?"

 "What happened yesterday"

 "Oh yeah that. I told him you're just messing with him"

 "But he knows that what I said is true. I know about the two of you"

 "What do you know about us?" Tristan asked, determined to put Danny back to his place.

 "You know. I kind of expected this, Brad's always been the obvious one. You and I never got that close but I can see that your more intellectual than him"

 "What are you trying to say Danny?" the blonde haired lad asked as he stopped walking and just faced the dark haired college dude.

 "Okay. We all know I'm gay and gays have this thing called 'Gaydar' and mine clearly senses the two of you"

 "We're not gay. You don't know what you're talking about" Tris answered, shrugged and then just walked away from him. The last thing he wants right now is to have a conversation with him. For Danny clear sees through them, he knows the real score between them.

 "Alright! Deny all you want but just remember Tristan .. there not a single secret that remains a secret forever. You're gonna have to face the truth"

 "Then make sure you're there!" Tris yelled at him as he's still walking further.

 "Oh I will" Danny replied and the two completely parted ways. Tris just sighed and continued with his morning stroll.

 "We have to be careful of him" he thought to himself.


 "She did that?" Victoria asked through the phone. "Yeah. My Dad's been ignoring me for a day now" Brad replied while writing some notes on his planner.

 "I thought she's not sure you are the father?"

 "She's not sure. She just wanted to pin this at me. She even convinced my parents about it"

Inexplicable || Tradley auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora