She Rejected Him

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Hey my lovelies, sorry about yesterday, My art class is getting really hard to keep up with so I have to bring my work home, I will try to keep up with updates!


Bringlys P.O.V

My wolf hast stopped crying at me all night and she's practically pushing me toward Stephen this morning. I really need to leave the house before my wolf drives me off a cliff. I got off my bed and began my way down the long hallway to Jess's room. Her room isnt as big as mine because Im beta and she's a lower rank. I knocked on the door once before it flew open and an angry looking Jess stood in the frame.

"I could hear you stomping down the hall" She practically yelled in my face. God it's not my fault I have a heavy step.

"Jess you really need to brush your teeth, you have some rank morning breath." I watched as her face turned red with anger and I smirked to myself. Nothing like pissing people off in the morning.

"Yea well you wouldn't have to smell my nasty breath if you didn't wake me up!" She said with a satisfied smile plastered on her face.

"I'm not in the mood, hurry up let's go out shopping."

Her face instantly changed into one of pure joy. Yepp I know my best friend better than she knows herself. I watched as she ran back into her room to get ready.

After waiting an hour for her slow ass to finish getting dressed, we walked downstairs to get some food, but of course, Stephen had to be in the kitchen.

"Come on we can get food there." I said as I pushed her out the door.

"What the hell, I smelled bacon!!!" She yelled at me.

"Yea well I will get you a bacon burger at the mall." She instantly became silent in the seat. That was just smirk worthy.

When we walked into the mall I could smell a mixture of human and wolf so I prayed we didn't get stopped by someone. After shopping for about 3 hours we stopped for lunch.

"So how much money did you spend?" I asked her.

"Um about 120$"

Right as I was about to ask her how much stuff she got, a hand slammed down right in front of my food. I stood up with so much force the chair fell over.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!??!" I screamed at the guy, who I now noticed was staring at me with a smirk on him pink plump lips. I wanted to pinch it right off, so that just what I did.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!?" He yelled holding his jaw.

"You shouldn't have done that..." I head Jess murmur to the guy, who's name I still don't know.

"You almost fucking slammed your hand down in my fucking food... And you cut me off when I was talking to my fucking friend.." I said through clenched teeth.

By now my eyes were probably bright red. I saw him cower back in submission, ha, guess he could feel my power. I smirked when he moved his eyes to the floor.

"Guess you know who your superior is" and with that I say back down and continued my conversation with Jess.

David's P.O.V

I was at the mall when I saw the girl my dad has been tracking all these years. I walked over and slammed my hand on their table. All of a sudden the girl just started screaming at me. I mean like what the fuck. I felt the pressure on my jaw and realized, wait SHE FUCKING PUNCHED ME. WHAT THE FUCK!!

"YOU FUCKING PUNCHED ME!!" I yelled still holding my painful jaw.

I look back up only to see bright red eyes staring back at me. Then I heard her friend say

" you shouldn't of done that"

Why the hell are her wolf eyes red?? What the fuck, I need to report this to my father. I looked down only to see her talking with her friend again so I ran to my car and drove home.


Hey my lovelies so the next update will be Saturday! Then I will update Sunday! Sorry non tomorrow cause I have tons to study for! Hope you liked this chapter. Who's David's dad? Hmmmm ...

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