Happy Birthday Harry

Start from the beginning

"Wow! If I didn't know that was you, dad, I wouldn't have a clue"

"That's the idea. Now let's go or we'll be late"


They arrived at the stadium just on time. Harry looked round in awe.

"This is the Quiddich stadium! From the world cup"

They walked inside. Looking up, there was a team, whizzing around in white robes. This time Harry stopped dead, "is that the!"

"English Quiddich team" Sirius finished for him, "Happy Birthday Harry"

"That's not it though" Remus told him, and pointed to a man crossing the stadium from the stands, "Harry this is John Redwood. He's England's coach"

"Harry Potter." The man said as he approached, "I've heard so much about you."

"John was at Hogwarts with us, a few years ahead." Sirius explained, "We managed to pull a few strings. And so Harry James Potter, as your first, and quite possibly best, birthday present, you, Ron and Hermione are going to get a personal tour of the pitch and behind, meet the England team, and after you and Ron will be taking to the skies with them, as we know you not a keen flier Hermione"

The look on Harry's face was a picture. He hugged both Remus and Sirius, then had to restrain himself from hugging James, as it would blow his cover.

"Thank you!!!!" He said

"Now, Harry. If you would like to follow me I'll take you to the changing rooms" said John, and he led the group off the pitch.

The tour covered everything. They went from the changing rooms, to the trophy room, to where they do the interviews after big matches. It was amazing. They then proceeded to head back out onto the pitch where the team had landed for a quick break. They turned, as the group approached them.

"Right then team listen up" shouted John, "Today you are going to have a little bit of fun. I've agreed to do this for some old school mates as a present" He turned back and beckoned them forward. Before John even had a chance to start talking again, someone called out, "Harry". A familiar face appeared in the crowd.

"Oliver," Harry stepped forward and shook his hand in greeting, "I didn't know you played for England"

"Only just started"

John looked confused, "You two know each other"

"Oliver was my Quiddich captain at Hogwarts for my first few years" Harry explained, "He was the one who trained me"

"And now I hear you are picking the team for this year"

"You think McGonagall would trust anyone else"

"Right then boys, and lady" John shouted so everyone could hear, "Ron, Harry, grab a broom. Hermione you're welcome to join us if you wish. If not then you can join the others in the Ministers box. You get the best view from there."

Hermione headed of. Harry and Ron grabbed a broom from the side of the stadium and took to the skies with the rest of the team, who had already taken off. Harry sped off on lap round the pitch, everyone watching.

"John!" Oliver shouted, at his coach, "Release the snitch!"

From bellow, James could see the tiny gold ball flutter into the sky. Harry stopped circling the pitch and followed as the snitch flew higher and higher. Oliver looked to be on edge, watching him with anticipation. Then he watched as Harry shot towards the ground, pulling a move that not even the best seekers would dare to try. He pulled up, grin on his face, snitch in his hand.

The team landed, even though they hadn't done much. John ran straight over to them. Oliver smiled, "Told you he was good"

"But you didn't say he was that good" he turned to Harry, "Once you've finished Hogwarts, I want you on the team. Our current seeker, Joan, will be stepping down next year so I'll be needed a new seeker anyway. This just saves me holding try outs"

"That great, I'd love to. Once this all blows over though." Harry replied, "Now can we go back up. I want to try and shot with Ron guarding the hoops"


By the time they arrived home, Harry and Ron where covered in sweat. They had never had so much fun. Remus removed the disguise from James face.

"That's better," He said, "You looked odd with blond facial hair"

"Felt weird to," He scratched his face, "Harry, Ron, why don't you go and get cleaned up then come down to the kitchen and we'll have some food."

Harry nodded and followed Ron up the stairs. As soon as they were out of sight, James ran down the stairs with Remus, Sirius and Hermione, to assume their positions in the kitchen where everyone else was already waiting.

James cut the lights with his wand. Footsteps echoed down the stairs. Ron ducked into his hiding space, by the door.

"Ron, where did you go" Harry asked, confused, "Why's it so dark in here? Lumos maximum"

The room lit up. Everyone jumped out. "SURPRISE!"

He stood there shocked. James stepped forwards, "This is the first birthday I've spent with you since you turned 1. I wanted it to be special."

"Dad, I," He stammered, "I don't know what to say. You planned this all on your own"

"Well, Ron and Hermione invited the guests," He gestured round the room, where various Hogwarts students where, "Molly agreed to do the food and created the most amazing cake. And Remus and Sirius helped me plan the rest. The Quiddich tour, the drinks, how people would get here. A proper marauder party."

Harry hugged his father, "You're amazing, you know. Now, let's get this party started!"

The music cranked up. James watched as Harry greeted every one of his guests, his dorm mates, members of DA and multiple others. Eventually the all sat down at the table to watch Harry open his presents.

There was a recurring theme to his presents. Seamus and Dean teamed together to get Harry a new set of Quiddich robes and gloves.

"We noticed your current ones were getting small and battered." Seamus said, "That and new robes for a new captain."

And it continued. New Quiddich magazine from Ron, next volume of the Quiddich through the ages from Hermione, the rest was various Quiddich supplies and books, except one which was a wizard chess set from Arthur and Molly.

Once all the presents were opened, food eaten and cake cut, visitors started to depart through the floo. By the end of the night, Harry was exhausted and fell asleep on the sofa.

"You think he had fun?" James asked Remus and Sirius when everyone had left.

"Yh," Sirius replied, "I've never seen him look so tired"

"Should we leave him there?"

"I would," Remus said, "I think he'll be out till morning"

"Night Harry," James whispered, "Sleep well."

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