My lovely step-parents (note that wonderful sarcasm I've used) decided to rip my real parent's throats out.


I, however, saw everything. I remember it all. Every single thing. The details are so vivid, like films that you can't forget. Like songs that are stuck in your head in repeat and there's no way you can get them out. I remember what happened leading up to it, what occurred then, and every single detail of what took place afterwards. I remember the looks plastered on everyone's faces afterwards. I was only four or five at the time, Isabella and Isaac being seven and six. The two twins had only just turned three.

It was a little before my birthday. It was only a few days away from Christmas. Of course, there was absolutely no way that I could forget the events afterwards. We ended up getting the best Christmas gift of them all.

Isabella and I were forced to become slaves. Isaac, being the only male child there was- he got to be treated like a little prince as we starved and broke our backs working hard. Marie and Georgiana were respected and treated like snotty princess brats, blinded by their greed for money, wealth, and power.

But then my sister Isabella unexpectedly vanished into thin air.

Everyone else had assumed that she had run away and died out there, whilst I had known something entirely different.

She had run away from the hell, only to find her mate in this rather small and quaint town but large, vast pack. She stayed with him (as he had very easily accepted her rank and the horrifying conditions from whence she came), now finding her happily ever after and soon to be having a child within a few months. We saw each other every day and I walked around the town with her whilst I was rushing around completing the day's errands and such.

She often asked me why I stayed at this dreadful hellhole when I could easily just up and leave to go and stay with her. I never had a real, truthful answer for her, it was just that I didn't want to invade her and Mason's privacy or that it was a good place to live in. Another reason being that it also reminded me of our parents.

Of course, my step-parents were thrilled that they had one less mouth to feed (they weren't so happy that there was one less slave for the work), but the worst of all, they put on a sad face and they pretended to "grieve" over my dear sister's apparent death. Secretly, they were actually overjoyed and bursting with happiness that she was gone forever and they would never have to deal with her again.

And one unfortunate downfall to all this was:

That it left me to do every single job given all on my own.

It was rather difficult at first, but I soon learned what I had to do and what I couldn't do (which was actually almost everything) within time. They treated me terribly, but I soon got used to it. Many time I had contemplated running away, but I never did. Obviously, I had nowhere else to go and no money to my name whatsoever- so I literally couldn't leave.

I always had a dream. A dream that one day I could find paradise. I was a lost girl, a trapped bird in a cage, hidden from the world. I dreamed of paradise every time I closed my eyes. I wanted better. I wanted to get better.

I wish I had a much better life. I wish I could be free or like most people my age. I wish I had a real, loving family and could do all of the things I wished to.

I would do anything for it. Anything if it meant that I could escape this torture.

But I had to deal with it. I had no choice but to deal with it. This was my life and it would always remain my life until I died. Wishes don't come true. That's one thing I've learned over the past eleven years of my life.

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