7. Shipped Out.

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First I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been working and trying to get a promotion and right now I'm in training but with 8 of my good friends who I love them all and I'll be happy if my friends get it.

Ally's POV

As much I want Andy, to live his dream like I'm living mine with my 4 best friends, I just know it's going to be hard when he really leaves for his tour. I'm always scared of what can happen over there and not knowing if anything bad happen to him. He's been my longest best friend before I became Fifth Harmony. When he came home I realized how important he was to me and that night, I just knew how much I really like him more than anything and we kissed, it was magical. He made me feel happier than I ever thought can be.

When he and I graduated from high school, he told me that he was enlisted in the Air Force and he was leaving in a month for basic training I was sad. We weren't dating then but we both knew we liked each other in that way but we both knew it wasn't time. All of these years we wrote back in fourth and I kept my letters in a box. I missed him so much. He was the guy I told things, my deepest secrets and stuff that I never really talked about stuff. I told the girls stuff too but he was first to know. He came back for my grandpa's funeral and I believe that was the last time I saw him since my birthday.

He's been spending a lot of time with Sarah which to me it's so special and I'm sorta jealous but again I know he really missed her. Coming home was what she was always waiting for. They had the cutest relationship.

Incoming call; Rodriquez 💕💫
- Babe!! Hi!

- Hi princess. Are you busy right now?

- No we're just hanging out with each other. Is everything okay? You're scaring me.

- Well not really. My General called me.

- Andrew Carlos Rodriquez you better not be playing with me- I'm- not I'm not ready.

The girls knew something was wrong and they immediately came around me.

- Allyson, baby listen, I'm going to be okay okay? I know this is going to be hard on you, but I also know you're strong. You may be small but you're strong. I believe in you beautiful. We can write again like we used to. Maybe even like Dear John style but I believe in you, us. We can get through this. I don't want you to ever give up on your dreams. You deserve the universe and I promise I will spend my entire life to give it you. Please don't cry okay?

- Rodriquez- I'm just scared of something bad happen will to you. I don't want to get a call from your parents saying I lost my best friend. I'm scared baby.

- Hernandez I know that feeling, I lost good friends out there and I promise I will come back to you. I don't leave until the end of of the week. I know it's sudden and a lot to process right now but you're so strong baby. I know it.

- When you do come back?

- You'll be the first person I will tell when I find out okay?

- Hey, Drew, it's Lauren, Ally is taking it really hard on it. The girls and I will be praying hoping that you'll get back safely and we'll watch out for her.

- Hey. I feel horrible talking to her about this. Sarah is crying too in her room. Just uh tell her to call me back okay? Thank you, Lauren, I really appreciate you. And the rest of the girls too. Ally might be short and older but you are all wise and know how to take care of each other, and I love that she has you all.

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