Hair (Rapunzel)

690 31 40

She stared at the world below
Outside her tiny window
how long she had been here
she no longer remembered

The reason though, she wouldn't forget

Sadie's hair had been beautiful
long and golden with curls layered
atop her porcelain princess head.

Rapunzel always wanted hair like that
and Sadie was such a show off
shrugging her shoulders and twisting
those locks while laughing at others.

Holding her to cut the hair off was easy
but once blood appeared, Rapunzel
found herself unable to stop
chopping until Sadie was pulp

Her mother and father argued
and her mother fled the castle
making Rapunzel even more
angry and searching for a shade
of red to match her mood

After the scullery maid incident
where indeed the correct red was
found and painted with
(A masterpiece of epic proportion)

Rapunzel was locked in the tower
"for the safety of all young
girls with long locks"

Her own hair grew
fueled by the fire of her soul
until it reached almost to
the ground below

Rapunzel dreamed daily of
reprieve from her cell
and another round of
painting to quench
her thirst for red

She wished so deeply
some days she thought
she could hear the sounds
of horses just below

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