The Challenge

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Once there was a very young woman named Arachne. She was uniquely beautiful and she was incredibly fond of weaving. The townspeople talked so much about her that the gods and goddesses of Olympus could hear them. The townspeople said that Arachne was the best weaver of all time and they said that if any of the gods thought they were better than her that they should come down to the earth and challenge her to a weaving duel.

The very next day, Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle (and the inventor of the loom), came down to the earth and challenged Arachne to a weaving duel. "Why should I, an unworthy servant of the Greek gods and goddesses, accept the duel that you challenge me to?" Arachne asked.

"If you are one of our servants," Athena said, "then you will do as I ask and duel me. If not, then I will turn you into something that no one ever dreamed of. Now, we will start the duel within the next hour, if you are up to the test?"

"Well, of course, my Lady. I shall prepare everything for our duel. Where shall we meet?"

"We shall meet in the town square. I will be expecting you," Athena said. "We shall have a warm-up period before we start the duel, if you need it."

"No ma'am, I shall not need it, for I am up to weaving against you soon." And winning, Arachne added in her mind.

Tale of the First SpiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora