Becoming a Priestess

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Chapter Dedicated to Some_Random_Person98

They walked through a maze of long corridors, passing rushing women laughing and temple scribes who bowed their heads to her as she passed until eventually they came to a simple wooden door. Asim stopped abruptly so Khepri nearly went into him.

"Your maid is inside" Asim said his gentle gaze fixed upon hers and his lips curled into a small smile. "Thank you Asim" she replied politely bowing her head slightly. "Someone will come to collect you in the morning. We usually get up before dawn for the morning rituals" with that Asim gave a small bow of his head and turned away, starting to walk down the corridor "Goodnight Asim" she called after him "Goodnight my lady" he replied as he disappeared. Khepri stood rooted to the spot for a moment in the empty corridor before opening the door.

Walking into the chamber she found it was small but cozy. The walls were adorned with images of the goddess and images of Nile life.Fisherman with small vessels traveled across the walls, alligators swam or lounged by the Nile's edge sunbathing in the imaginary light of Ra.

Ebony looked up as Khepri came in, in her hands were various different gowns. "Once you're a trained Priestess my lady you will be moved in with the rest of the Priestess's into a dormitory" Khepri must have looked horrified at the thought, for Ebony came over after dumping the gowns into a trunk.

"Don't worry you still have quite a while till that happens, besides I am sure you will have made many friends by then"She gave a warm smile and with that the conversation ended. Ebony helped get her ready for bed, kneeling in front of her little shrine of Hathor she said her prayers and then climbed into bed wondering what being at the temple would be like, as she closed her eyes she saw both Prehir and Amunher smiling at her, with that she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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