Chapter 16: Lovely Losers

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"Is that a hickey?" Jackie asks, laughing.

I look down at my shirt, and quickly pull it up as much as possible.

"Abigail Quinn, you dirty little bitch!" Jackie smirks, winking.

I blush, looking down.

"I love how you just put two-and-two together." I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"I knew that wasn't the only thing you guys did last night." She winks.

I roll my eyes at her, as I finish my cereal.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Jackie. I'm going to say good morning to the other girls and Pat." I say, placing my dishes in the dishwasher.

Jackie is apparently very fascinated with her own joke, because she's laughing too hard to have heard me.

I laugh at her, before making my way into the backyard from the door at the back of the lakehouse.

I walk outside, and the grass underneath my feet is spongy.

The sun beats down hard on my face, and only a few large, fluffy clouds sit in the sky.

The breeze is warm and pleasant.

The lake glimmers beautifully out past the shore, and the world is calm.

I look over to the pool, and see Patrick, Erica, and Jessica standing by the edge of it.

Patrick's back is towards me, and I can see Erica and Jessica's faces, both looking up at him.

Erica has her hands over her mouth, and Jessica has a huge smile on her face.

Erica jumps into Patrick, hugging him for a few moments.

I walk over to where the three of them are standing, and Jessica notices me as I do so.

"Hey Abby!" She waves, smiling.

"Hey guys!" I reply back, laughing.

Patrick turns around to face me, a big smile written on his face.

"Hey you." He says, reaching his hand out to me.

I take his hand, and he pulls me in close to his chest.

He hugs me tight, and I hug him back.

I look up and peck him on the cheek quickly.

Erica and Jessica look at each other, smiling and blushing.

"I hope you don't mind that I invited the girls over this morning. I didn't want to wake you up, and I had no one to talk to." Pat laughs, looking down at me.

"Of course I don't mind!" I laugh.

"Well, I'm heading in to grab a drink. I'll be back out in a few." Jessica says.

"I'll come with you." Erica nods, following Jessica inside the house.

The door shuts behind them, and Patrick and I are left in the backyard alone.

"You seem to be in a good mood." I laugh, looking up at him.

He laughs.

"It's been a good morning." He shrugs.

I smile at the ground, and then look back up at him.

"How are you doing, after last night?" Pat asks, biting his lip.

He's wearing a black v-neck, grey shorts, flip flops, and a backwards Blackhawks hat.

His blonde curls escape the brim of the hat.

I pull down my shirt slightly, so he can see the extensive bruises that line my collarbone.

He bites his lip, looking down.

"And I can hardly walk, thank-you very much." I giggle.

"Sorry." He winks.

I roll my eyes, playfully.

"How are you?" I ask, smirking up at him.

I squint my eyes as the sun shines brightly in them.

Patrick takes a step over, blocking the sun, and giving me some shade.

"Thanks." I nod, upwards.

"No problem. And I'll admit, I'm pretty sore too. I honestly think that's the hardest I've ever banged you, holy shit that felt so-" Pat starts, but I cut him off.

"Patrick! Your sisters can probably hear you." I roll my eyes, hitting his arm lightly.

"Whoops." He laughs, licking his lower lip with his tongue.

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't do that." I say, smiling.

"Do what?" He asks, confused.

"Lick your lips! It makes you look horny." I say, laughing.

"Why? Does it remind you of something I did last night with my tongue?" He smirks.

"Oh my God, Patrick! You are a piece of work, you know that?" I roll my eyes, laughing.

I look up at him, and he looks back down at me, smiling.

I shake my head, letting out a laugh.

Patrick bends down slightly and presses a gentle kiss against my cheek.

"Yes, but I'm your piece of work." He winks.

I giggle, rolling my eyes at him.

One of the many things I love about Patrick and my's relationship is how well we know each other.

He's one of my best friends, and so we are comfortable saying just about anything to each other.

Although, I'll admit, I haven't seen the wild, crazy, sexual side of Patrick in a little while, and it's nice to see that part of him again.

Hilarious and nice at the same time.

Almost relieving.

I look up at the boy in front of me, and can't help but laugh, because I am absolutely in love with that loser.

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