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sorry for unpublishing pt. 1! WATTPAD IS DUMB.

smut warning. and this is the start of the book...what a beautiful beginning.

it's definitely not a one shot you would expect out of this album, but IT'S ALL I HAD. DEAL.
"I can't believe them! They're shutting me in here all day tomorrow just because I 'was mean to Ben,' can you believe that, Cal?!" Luke whines, taking his gold crown off and placing it on his dresser.

He only hums. Calum knows it's not a good response to soothe the dramatic boy, but in his defense, he really didn't want Luke to go to Ben's dumb birthday ball anyways. Too many people will be there; people who want the royal family members for their power, looks, riches.

Calum was lucky that Luke's parents even approved of his relationship with the tanned peasant. (Their approval was pretty much: "We don't want the kid to complain to us that he can't have what he wants, so why not? Good luck, Calum.") He certainly wasn't rich, but people said he was handsome, that he was caring.

And he did care for Luke, truly. He was just hard to deal with when he was upset, just a tad.

"...And then he goes 'keep your pretty mouth shut!', can you believe that? I have never felt so used. It's like my parents don't care enough about me to protect me. They only care about their darling Jack, just because he's married and successful! And...Calum! Why do I bother, you don't even care about me either, do you?! You won't even listen. I know...I know I'm dramatic, but you- I thought you'd care."

Luke is crying, and Calum knows he fucked up. So his boyfriend is a bit sensitive, yeah. But he should've known better than to pay no attention to his tale of woe.

"No baby, shh. Don't cry, don't cry. I'm so sorry," Calum apologizes, hugging the small, sad boy.

"You're right, there's no use crying about it. No one will listen to me cry, anyways."

"Don't say that," He wipes away the tears spilling out of sea blue eyes. "Of course I will, I was just thinking."

"About what? One of those princesses that's here for Ben's ba-"

"About you. My princess, my only princess."

The blonde blushes, and it's adorable. "Oh. Sorry for crying, now I'm embarrassed."

"Don't be, you know you have the right to be upset. I missed you today," Calum murmurs into Luke's blonde locks, holding him close.

"I missed you too. So much., never mind."

Calum shakes his head. "No, just tell me what it is."

In a quiet voice, Luke murmurs, "I missed your touch. That old man and those girls...their touches were so harsh, so violating."

The poor villager feels rage sparking to life. "Don't worry, Lukey. I'll make sure to leave enough marks so they know you're mine."

Luke lets out a soft groan, and throws his head back, neck open wide for Calum. "P-please daddy, do anything you'd like. Wrap a fist around my neck, bite me until I bleed; I don't want to be touched like that by anyone but you ever again," Luke begs.

And Calum felt himself hardening at the words. "Fuck, you're driving me crazy, Princess."

He surges forward, and finally captures Luke's lips in a kiss. He tries to be sweet and delicate, because he knows his princess hated the harsh touches of those strangers today. However, Luke licks at Calum's lower lip, and the kiss deepens.

Their tongues tangle together like the long ivy growing along the castle wall, Luke's hands latched onto Calum's soft hair.

The kiss is disconnected, both boys panting for air, but soon enough, Calum's lips find the blonde again. This time, they've moved down onto his neck.

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