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I awake in a pitch black room, the harsh cold air sends shivers down my spine. The stone floor freezes my bare feet as I take a step ever so slowly forward, careful not to make a sound as I hear water drip, drip, drip from somewhere close to my left, I have no idea where I am, how did I get here?

"Hello?" I ask in a silent whisper, but no response comes from the shadowy darkness

Two men appear in long, Black Death eater cloaks, I take a step backward, panicked and scared. I feel my back collide into the wall, the tallest of the man laughs and sneers

"She's awake my lord, the girl who old woman spoke of" I know his voice, but from whom I do not know, I feel betrayed by it, by him, but who is he? My memories come back, ever so slowly. I remember leaving the hospital wing and going to visit Professor Knightly to tell him why I missed his lesson, that’s when he attacked me…

"YOU'RE A LIAR" I scream, “I TRUSTED YOU” I’m almost in tears, but he just laughs and says 

"Shame my daughter wouldn't play along with my plans; it would have been so much easier to kill you. But no matter, I didn’t need her” he says with a laugh

“You’re daughter?” I ask, trying to sound brave but my voice shakes with pure fear

“Oh yes, didn’t Naomi tell you?” He sneers

“Naomi?” I gasp

“I suppose I should tell you the whole story really, it won’t matter as you’re going to die soon anyway” he hisses evilly, then continues in that taunting voice

“A few years ago an old seer made a rather interesting prediction; she said that her oldest daughter’s only child would predict the fall of the Dark Lord and that woman, was your Grandmother, he oldest daughter was you’re mother, and you? You’re the girl said to predict the Dark lord’s death”

Confusion mixes with my fear as I look into his dark eyes. How could I be a seer but not know about it?

“So I, being the Dark lord’s most loyal death eater volunteered to kill you, the logic being that if you were killed, no one would be able to predict his death, it therefore not happening...”

 “What’s Naomi got to do with all of this?” I interrupt coldly, keeping all emotion out of my voice

“Oh my lovely daughter was meant to spend her year befriending you, that’s why I paired you up in my first lesson. Once you trusted her, she would willingly or under the Imperius curse, ask you to follow her to my room where I could easily kill you. However that stubborn girl decided to make it her mission to try her hardest so you would despise her. Now If I made her ask you to follow her, you wouldn’t have.

This shocks me more than everything else so far

“All year…she’s been trying to save me?” I say in a bare whisper

“That’s right, but unfortunately for you, I didn’t need her. After Lucas managed to fight off my imperius curse, I did everything in my power to make you trust me yourself.

The sneer in his voice sends shivers down my spine

“They’ll come and save me. Naomi, Hannah and Lucas” I say boldly, I have confidence in my friends, they have to come.

He laughs coldly

“Oh even if Naomi convinces them to trust her it’s already far too late. Don’t you see,  you silly little girl?” he whispers as he takes another step towards me

I try to run but I can’t move. My fear glues me in place, pinned up against this wall.

He pulls out his wand and points it at my face with a twisted smile

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