Chapter 5 - The Sorting

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-          Lucas’s Point of View 

I watch sky nervously, wondering why this is taking such a long while, I can’t help but wonder what the hat is saying to her, her face seems slightly annoyed but I’m not certain, She frowns slightly just as the hat opens at the brim

“RAVENCLAW” the hat announces to the hall and I see Sky grin, looking slightly surprised but happy all the same. I watch her skip to the Ravenclaw table and take a seat as my name is called

 “Lucas Handy” Professor McGonagall calls in a monotone voice

I walk up and sit on the stool as the hat is placed on my head and the rough fabric falls in front of my eyes

“Oh this is easy!” Says the hat “I know just where to put you!”

“RAVENCLAW!” It yells, I smirk as the Ravenclaw table cheers and I jump off the seat and walk over to sit next to Sky

“Congrats” I tell her in a whisper, as Megan Hilling gets sorted into Hufflepuff “Maybe we aren’t so different after all”

She just smiles and watches the rest of the sorting, it’s so hard to know what she’s thinking, why does she have to be so difficult!

Professor Dumbledore gives a speech welcoming us but I’m too hungry to listen much, and then the feast begins. Plates and plates of so many different types of food appear; I grab a bit of everything and tuck in. I talk to some of the other first year Ravenclaw but mostly to Sky; she tells me what the sorting hat said to her.

“I don’t know how I ended up in Ravenclaw though…” She admits

“Maybe the sorting hat didn’t know where to put you so it just guessed!” I say, trying to wind her up

Suddenly she drops her knife and fork, looking down at her plate

“Sky?” I ask

“Come on I was only kidding!” I say, poking her lightly but she doesn't respond

She looks up, her eyes look far off and distant, a pool of emotionless blackness, her face pale and blank looking, and when she speaks her voice is harsh and cold,like it’s doesn’t belong to her.

“Don't trust the kind. and Don't hate the mean” She croaks

"Everyone has there reasons, Everything is not as it seems” She whispers still speaking in the scary voice

She blinks rapidly and I see her chocolate brown eyes return to normal just as she passes out.

~ Sky’s Point of View ~

I reach up and touch my head and feel a bump on it, I moan and sit up and see a room full of people around me, some chatting absentmindedly, some looking at me concerned

“What happened?” I whisper to anyone listening

I pull myself up and see Lucas looking at me, concern etched over his face, then I remember where I am!

“Don’t you remember?....” He asks me, still giving me an odd look

“Remember what?” I ask, rubbing the back of my head with my left hand

He looks in deep thought, as if he can’t decide what to say

“You passed out, must have been over excitement.” He says simply, not quiet meeting my eye

“Oh, Okay…” I say trying to ignore the throbbing in my head

“Come on, the prefects are showing us to the common room now, lets go.”

I nod and follow him up the many stair cases to Ravenclaw tower, I would normally be amazed by all the moving pictures and staircases, but something just doesn’t feel right. Something I just can’t put my finger on. Something’s going on, and I’m determined to find out what


Hi! I will probably edit this tomorow as I'm really tired so it's not my best but I wanted to update anyway, - Kirsty :)

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