Chapter 10 - Gryffindor VS Ravenclaw

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  • Dedicated to My brother

- A week later -

“You have to eat something Sky…” Says Lucas to me as I poke my bacon with my fork, not really seeing it

“Easy for you to say” I mummer “You’re not about to be murdered by Naomi.”

Hannah sighs “I highly doubt she will be able to murder you in front of the whole school Sky” she reasons

“This is Naomi we are talking about, I’m sure she will find a way…” I mutter

Just then Emily comes up behind us and sits next to me

“How are you feeling Sky? Ready to head down to the changing rooms?” she says kindly

I take a deep breath and stand up shaking slightly.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Hannah hugs me whispers “You’ll do just fine Sky, Don’t worry”

I nod in thanks, too nervous to even speak

Lucas smiles reassuringly at me but then says “If you don’t catch the snitch I’m disowning you”

This results in an elbow to the ribs from Hannah

“Ow, I was only kidding Sky, Good Luck”

“Thanks” I whisper, and then I follow Emily out of the great hall, and as we are about to go outside when I see Professor Knightly smiling at me

“Good Luck for today Sky, As a teacher I’m not meant to take sides but I think you can win” He says and hands me a chocolate frog

“Eat it, it helps.” He says kindly before walking off into the great hall

Emily looks oddly at me and I shrug as we cross the grounds and into the changing rooms where the rest of the team are getting ready.

 Peter and Marcus the 4th year beaters are sat on the bench in their Ravenclaw Quidditch robes, next to them are the chasers: Scarlet and Josh. Jamie, our keeper sits in the corner by himself, He is quiet shy on ground but the best keeper we’ve ever had according to Emily, and then there’s me. If I mess up we lose the match.

“Okay Team!” Says Emily, standing up and looking at us

“So what if the Gryffindors have two Lightning Stikes on their team? It’s not about the broom, it’s about the person ON the broom, got it!” She says enthusiastically

We all nod, me somewhat nervously

“Come on then, let’s go team.”

I pick up my Firebolt and we walk out onto the pitch to a roar of cheers from the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuffs and a few Slytherins, I guess they don’t want Gryffindor to win either.

Madam Hootch stands in the middle of the pitch as we meet the Gryffindors in the middle. I see Naomi and her friend Niamh stood there whispering and looking at me. Her gaze moves from her Lightning Strike to my Firebolt and she rolls her eyes and smirks. I smile back and resist waving cheerily just to annoy her. Our gazes break when Madam Hootch calls

“Captains, Shake Hands!” So Emily shakes hands with the Gryffindor keeper and captain. “Mount your brooms” she continues, so I climb onto my Firebolt and prepare to push off of the hard ground.

Suddenly the whistle blows and I push down hard and go whizzing off into the sky, up and up until I have a good view of the pitch from all angles.

The commentator keeps up with the match; I listen as I sweep the pitch, looking for the snitch.

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