New Girl

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“Are you sure you have everything?” my mom asked me for the billionth time as we drove through the beautiful streets of Birmingham.

“YES!” I said, rolling my eyes in mock exasperation.

“Toothbrush?” she asked.





“MOM!” I cried, face palming.

“Okay, okay!” she said, laughing and grinning at me. “Just checking!” I groaned and my dad chuckled in the front seat.

“You’ll miss us really,” he said throwing me a smile. I grinned.

“In your dreams, guys” I said teasingly.

“Yeah…I never thought my baby sister would be moving out before I did,” my older brother Josh added, ruffling my hair. Annoyed, I tried to smooth it out and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Yeah well, get used to it. I’ve always been more mature than you.”

“Uh-huh,” he says, smirking at me. “Says the girl who sticks out her tongue when she’s annoyed.” I rolled my eyes and punched his arm playfully. He laughed.

“I think we’re here…” my mom said. My breath caught in my throat as we pulled in to the parking lot for Elmhurst School for Dance. I had been here before, of course, for the auditions, but this time was different. This time, I was looking at the place that was going to be my new home. Eagerly, I unbuckled me seat belt and leapt out of the car, almost crashing into my dad.

“Slow down there eager-beaver,” he laughed, steadying me and opening the trunk. Josh got out and helped him lift the biggest of my bags out.

“Jeez, what have you got in here Jewels?!” Josh asked as they heaved my hot-pink suitcase onto the floor. “The kitchen sink?”

I grinned at him. “Nope. Just pretty much everything else in the house!” He chuckled and got the rest of my stuff out.

“Well,” I said, looking around at the other girls and guys saying good-bye to their families. “I guess this is it. I’ll miss you guys,” I said as my dad wrapped me in a bear hug.  “A lot.”

“Text us every day!” my mom said, holding me close. When we pulled away, there were tears in her eyes. “Oh honey I’m just so, so proud of you.” I felt the tears prick at the back of my own eyes at her words and quickly brushed them away. I hugged her again, then turned to Josh.

“Don’t you go all soft on me, kay?” I teased looking up at him.

“Who, me?” he asked raising his eyebrows. “NEVER!” I laughed as he swept me off my feet and spun me around before letting me down gently.

“You know,” I said. “I might actually miss you.” He grinned.

“Huh. Imagine that.” I shoved him to the side laughing. “Have fun Jewels. Only, not too much fun,” he said, winking suggestively. “Just because ballet boys have nice arms…”

“JOSHHHH!” I groaned, fighting back laughter. He chuckled and hugged me again.

“Honey are you sure you can manage with all these bags?” my dad asked, looking at the pile in front of him.

 I laughed at the concerned expression on his face. “I’ll be fine!” I gathered up my things, and with a final good-bye, I began walking towards my new future.

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