Her Mother sees her

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Chastity fumed that little imp got away with every thing. She truly thought she had thrown the rocks. Just then she caught site of one of the bruises on her arm. "My goodness, what did you do in those woods to get that? You really must take more care."

Charity said, perfectly even. "That is not from the woods, but from one of the rocks I failed to dodge."

Chastity paled, knowing she was telling the truth, for the sleeve of her dress had raised a bit revealing another one. She said. "I truly did not see what happened. They said you. Where did you find that dress? I do not think the Aunts approve of it for some reason."

Charity let the first part be. "I found it in my room. Isn't it lovely? When I learned that it was formal to night I just had to try it on, it fit and there were shoes for it, so I saw no reason to leave it in the closet. I think I know why they are upset, but by the time I learned it was too late to change. The clue came with the jewelry, just a few moments ago. The lid of the jewelry box was carved with lilies."

Chastity mouth dropped open. "Lilies, and you are warring it? How dare you? It was not, Mother does not want to see. That was," her voice dropped to a hiss, "mom's. You know that right? Do you want to see the wood shed again, so badly?"

Charity said. "Once I opened the box, yes I knew. But the Aunt that bought me the box told me the dress was fine, and like I said there was not time to change after I saw what was in the box. I saw no sense in not wearing the rest of the outfit. The damage was done. You know I think she might be the reason Patience hates high boots." Chastity spun away horrified. Though by the use of Mother's name or the way Charity just sat there it was hard to say.

Then Lord Jeffery and Lady Jane along with Father and Mother entered the dinning hall. As protocol demanded all talking stopped and everyone stood in honor of the guests. The four of them made the way to the head of the table. When Patience saw Charity her hand tightened on Feather's arm, and she paled a bit, but gave no other sign she saw anything. She was too good of a hostess for that. Once they were seated the others resumed their seats and dinner began. If Chastity noticed how much food was making its way on to Charity's plate she gave no sign. The servers were being generous with all the kids, but more so with her. Beth wanted to make sure she ate. She had a habit of not eating much at the table.

Beth took a break, and looked out into the dinning room to make sure the servers were obeying her orders. No matter what others they received. She nodded to see them put extra servings on Charity's plate. That should force her to eat something, even if it did make Patience frown at them, the kid needed more meat on her bones. She was like Prudence had been, her body just absorbed the food, leaving her needing more than the other ladies. It was nice one of her daughters took after her. Wait it was not the servers Patience was frowning at it. Then she took in the dress Charity had on. She spun back around. "Clare where did Charity's dress come from?"

Clare looked up startled. "She pulled it out of a closet in her room, said she found it there. Why?"

Beth said. "It was one that came with Prudence. Her father had bought it for her in a market in Luxembourg."

Clare said. "So that is what she meant. She said it would be trouble after she found the jewels in the box. But Jasmine said it was fine, so I did not think any thing of it. How did she know though?"

Beth said. "The lid of the box was carved with lilies, that's how she knew. As for Jasmine, well it is hard to say what told her it was time. Now I know why she retrieved the box. She offered it to Chastity once to, though I could have told her it was a waste of time." Beth went and looked again. "Amazing how much Charity takes after her, never thought about it before. They must see Prue each time they look at her though. That would explain how they treat the poor thing. They are driving her away and don't even realize it. Wonder how they will take it when she leaves this behind." With that she went back to work and would share no more.

Dinner passed without incident, when the coffee was done they started to move to the main room. Charity hung back knowing what was coming. Once the room was fairly empty, as empty as it was likely to get, she turned to Feather. "I must beg off, I am worn out from today's happenings. Please excuse me, I need to go to my room and relax."

Feather nodded tersely, but before she could go Patience stepped up. "What are you doing in that dress? It is not yours!"

Charity stood her ground, glad for her stronger control. "It was in my room. I was given to believe that the items left there were for me to make use of. Did I misunderstand?"

Patience paled with suppressed rage. She did not know why this one had to anger her so. "I know you have clothes of your own, you could wear. Why did you go looking for others?"

Charity said, sounding a good deal like her mother if she just knew it. "Like I said it was in my room." Looking around she added. "Perhaps we should move?" With that she stepped towards a door, but Patience did not let her go.

Instead she blocked the path. "There was no reason for you to wear that."

Charity sighed, hating to have to answer so publicly. It would just make it worse in the end. "To be honest, and forgo diplomacy, I am tired of looking like a little kid." Patience tried to stop her but it was too late, it all came poring out. "I have not had a new gown in years, save for what I could make, and I am no seamstress. I am eleven now, not eight and have gotten a good bit taller. Formal wear is to reach the floor. The dresses in my closet would be lucky to reach my calves. I thought that was why the others were left in the room. I saw no reason to let good clothes waste away in a closet when they fit. However if you wish them to do so, I will let them."

Feather looked from one to the other, he generally left maters of clothing up to the women it was only fitting. He left wanting none of it. Patience said. "You are overstating the case of things. It has not been that long."

Charity shrugged. "If you wish you are welcome to check for yourself. Either way the fact remains that this dress was in my room. I thought that meant it was for me. Do you wish me to remove the others from my room, or may I make use of them?"

Jasmine said softly. "It does seem a waste to just let them sit."

Patience looked at her. "You would." She turned back. "Fine you have them, use them. But expect nothing else. You can use the old things. Have fun in the closets." She turned and stomped out.

Charity looked after her. "Well it could be worse. She did say closets after all."

Jasmine nodded. "I will have my maids help yours go though them and gather up the likely dresses before she realizes what she said. Then we can remake them. It is the least I can do. I told you the dress was fit to wear. Don't worry you will be as turned out as well as any of them if not better when we are done. You might not have a hand for clothes, but you are fine at embroidery, and I have a hand with clothes. It will be fine. Now you just go up to bed before you faint. I will see to everything. Run along dear."

With that she swept out of the room leaving Charity starring after her. Thatwas the most she had ever heard her say. Charity headed to her room. She reached only to find Clare and Lady thereahead of her. She was too tired to make more than a feeble protest as theyundressed her and put her in the bed. Clare sat a big piece of cake and a tallglass of punch on the nightstand, next to the sewing basket. Then she handedher a book. "Cook says that plate is to be empty before you fall asleep. I willcome back after the plate. Now rest." She was gone before Charity realized she had a book in her hands. It wasnot one of hers, but a storybook. Charity sighed, wondering if there wasanything the servants did not know. She settled down and reached for the cake,she managed one bite before for she was asleep. When she woke she finished therest of it and managed one page of the book before she nodded off again, thistime to know nothing tell morning. Not even when Clare brought in an armload ofdresses and took away the plate. No time was being wasted in hunting theclosets. t

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