Friday Copper vs Silver

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// FYI there will be some calron in this chapter//

Nobody was nearly as nervous when they found out they were versing silver. The first part of it was even if they lost they would be second after the masters. And the second part was they had won against the gold and tied against the masters. And because people weren't nervous this time everybody shared their ideas. Went from mixing baby food in their lunch to turning their normal beds into water beds so they'd get wet when they sat down. To Call's disappointment they ended up decided to do Jasper's idea, to egg their dorms with rotten eggs, inspiration from the Iron Year's first prank.

As usual Tamara knew the ward to make time go faster for certain objects. They only had to wait about half an hour for the eggs to rot. Just the smell was enough to make you gag and make your eyes water.

There were only a few volunteers to egg the dorms, at first Call wasn't one of them but he felt obliged to volunteer when he was Aaron volunteering. He started to instantly regret it the second he picked up four rotten eggs two in each hand.

Call and Aaron decided to egg the Silver year dorms that were right next the each other. He threw one in each of the bedrooms the smell exploding when one cracked. He threw one in the common room and decided to leave one fully intact right at the door for them to step on and buy a new pair of shoes.

When he left the room Aaron was waiting for him at the door.

"Out of all the pranks we pulled I feel like this is the meanest one yet." Aaron actually looked really guilty and Call didn't blame him. Aaron was always kind and the eggs REALLY did smell bad, he couldn't imagine sleeping there at night.

They walked together in silence until Call felt Aaron tap him on the shoulder.

"Um, Call can I ask you something?"

Call turned and looked Aaron right in the eyes. "Sure whats up?"

Aaron opened his mouth to say something until he seemed to fall towards Call, his lips hit Call's. Aaron's eyes widened and Call's brain couldn't really process what just happened. Aaron jumped back and whirled around to see two silver years running away laughing and high fiving each other.

"Well, I'm guessing that's their prank." Aaron said.

Of course Call thought, it was a prank by the silver years it's not like Aaron actually liked him or anything.

Everyone headed down to the Refectory to hear the finally announcements. When they all arrived there was something wrong with almost everyone. The gold year's uniforms were pink, the iron years were all only 2'3, the bronze year's all looked like old women with wrinkles really tall hairstyles and crazy red lipstick, the masters all had Afro and Call and Aaron's faces looked like a tomato.

The final scores made Tamra almost wanna explode. They were tied in second place with silver year. First of all Tamara didn't even know about their prank and second of all didn't they start off with just one point today? Tamra raised her hand and decided to ask.

"Master Milagros didn't they silver year's start off with only 1 point today, why did they earn 2?"

"Well they get 2 point for the certain TYPE of prank they pulled off." She was talking to Tamara but looking at Call and Aaron.

There were several whistles coming from the silver years and she spotted Call burry his tomato face in his uniform. What was the prank anyway she wondered.

//Hope you all liked it, I worked hard on this so try not to hate it to much. constructive criticism is welcome. Also I'll be taking a small break from the Magisterium fandom to contribute to the gazillion other fandoms that I'm part of. Also this is not ongoing this is complete I have no idea why it still says ongoing.//

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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