Thursday Master vs Copper

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Call knew that the Copper years had a huge chance of losing this, all the other years did. But Tamara would not be the one to blame, it was her pranks that got them this far. Everyone headed back to their dorms to think, they would meet up again in a hour. When the trio had arrived at their dorms Tamara stormed through and grabbed a bunch of ward books, probably to give her ideas. Call and Aaron started looking through some books too.

As time went on Tamara only got more and more anxious, they only had about 20 minutes left.

"I'm completely out of ideas." She turned to Call "Have you ever played a prank on someone?"

"Well, I once shook this guys coke and it might've exploded. But that's it."

Tamara sat up so fast that all three books in her lap flew across they room. She grabbed both of Call's shoulders and started shaking him violently.

"Call your a genius!"

Call looked at her confused. "Masters drink coke?"

"Well master North does." she started. "And he's having a meeting, if we put actual mentos imagine just how much damage that would cause."

When they all met up everybody agreed to do the prank. This one was quite easy to set up to, all they had to do was mess up Master North's mentos before he came to get it for lunch. All the copper years waited outside, ears against the doors. The was a hiss and then a scream and the the sound of water. ALL the copper years laughed and started running to their dorms as if a bear was chasing them. When they arrived at the dorm they all took a breather and Tamara entered her room and closed the door. Just before Call twisted the door handle Tamara's scream came from her room. Aaron and Call ran to her door and opened it. Bubbles exploded from the entrance and a person that looked like a combination of Santa and Tamara emerged.

"You guys might not wanna go in your rooms." she warned.

"I went into my room and nothing happened." Aaron said. "I guess it was just you."

She snorted. "It's ALWAYS me."

The next morning everybody headed down to the Sandroom and it was a tie. Everybody started cheering and whistling.

When they checked to chart it seemed it wasn't as Call thought. They might've tied but instead of both teams getting one point both teams didn't get any points.

Iron= 1 points

Copper= 3 points

Bronze= 2 points

Silver= 1 point

Gold= 1 point

Masters = 3 points

The Copper years were still in the lead along with the masters. The room burst into laughter when they read Iron had beaten Gold, the must've underestimated them.

Today was Copper vs Silver

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