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Ashton's P.O.V

I knew Luke didn't have a crush on a girl named Evie. It was Evelyn really. I knew he wouldn't admit it because he never does. See Luke is different from a lot of boys. He isn't as open to the rest. He likes to keep his emotion bottled up until it explodes.

The door bell rang as Calum entered the room. Luke looked down obviously embarrassed at the fact that the person at the door wasn't what he wanted to see. Evelyn had come round and for what reason?  Probably to see her boyfriend. As they both came and sat on the sofa near Luke, I could feel his annoyed feeling reach over, asking for help.

"Well we will leave you two alone for now, come on Luke..." I say pulling Luke up as he mouths 'Thank You' to me. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Calum's voice made us stop.

"Luke I thought you was going to talk about that Evie girl?", "oh I forgot that's similar to what I call you" and he turned to Evelyn and kisses her nose. I could tell Luke wasn't in the talking mood so he stormed of outside into the freezing cold.

"Luke just need a little time alone. Evie is waiting for him at his house and yeah... Bye!" I quickly ran to Luke who had already set of to his house and man was he fast.

"I know your lying" I stopped Luke.

"Can we just go home." He said annoyed.

"You like her"

"No I don't"

"Luke you don't need to hide it" I slapped his back with my hand as he flinched away.

"I had no chance with her anyways so what's the point"

"there is a big point"

"And what's that?"

"Well she obviously likes Calum. But this doesn't mean she doesn't like you"

"And she'd like me because? I killed the god damn baby Ashton! She hates me. I also bullied her for ages. What's the actual point anymore"

"Your missing the big point. Wait until tomorrow at school. Talk to her."

"No and plus she isn't at school remember?" He said firmly as we reached his house. Surprisingly, he hadn't locked me out. He picked up his phone and it looked like he was about to text someone.

I didn't know what it said but I chose not to ask.

Evelyn's P.O.V

Ding ding.

My phone had just vibrated as I had got a message from.. Luke?

I opened it and red it.

Luke 🐧: Evelyn don't forget tommorow. Tutor.

Evelyn: yeah yeah I know

Luke: you best turn up

Why was Luke going back to his normal ways all of a sudden. What was his problem.

"Who was that babe?" Calum asked and I snuggled into his chest.

"Luke" I say calmly.

"Oh okay. He's been acting kind of odd lately don't you think"

"I'm glad I'm not the only one that's noticed" I sigh.

"I think I know why" Calum looks down into his lap where his hands now lay.

"What's that babe?" I ask him, trying to find were his eyes stared but I couldn't quite capture it. He seemed... Distracted.

"It may seem crazy but Luke... Luke might like you?" He says and throws his arms up in the air. Luke didn't like me. Did he?

Complicated Relationships• 5SOS•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora