Since when did she become so sexually brazen? Really, that man sent her emotions bouncing all over the place. This pull she had towards him scared her a little. This was the first time in her life she couldn't seem to walk away. She had a feeling even if she did try to walk away, the magnetism between them would just draw her right straight back to his arms. There was an indescribable bond there, she knew it and so did he. He was controlling, demanding, arrogant, overwhelming and did things to her which made her turn to putty in his hands. When he kissed her she'd become lost to him. At that moment, she would have done anything he asked of her, without hesitation. All firsts for her.

Something which could make her feel this wonderful and wanton couldn't be all bad. Could it? It would be stupid not to try and pursue this connection they had. Maybe even develop a relationship over time with the challenging Neanderthal. Harley smiled up at the ceiling. A rush of excitement engulfed her.

She'd made a life out of overcoming challenges and winning. If Shakespeare could tame a shrew, why couldn't she tame an ass? Mr. Asshole could be another challenge. After all, he held the most promising prize pot of all...a chance at love. Love? Was she really contemplating falling in love with the big gorilla? A resounding yes rocketed through her head and her heart seized in her chest.

Holy shit! Now what do I do? Harley panicked, shooting straight up in bed and making all four dogs instantly on guard. "Sorry babies," she cooed and coaxed until they all took up their spots on the floor and settled down to sleep.

Harley jumped back up and began the pacing routine she had abandoned earlier. Her mind racing a mile a minute on how to win over the dunderheaded cowboy she suddenly found herself enamored with. Crap! It wasn't going to be easy, but something worth having never was. A smiled eased its way across her face, Adonis was definitely worth having and she knew, given the chance, she could break him. No, not break him...that was an extremely poor choice of words. It was his bad ass attitude which made her tingle in her panties, but maybe draw out more of the captivating sensual warm side.

She needed to show him how much fun spontaneity could be. She wanted to coax him over to the naughty fun side and make him surrender the control freak flag pole he was sporting up his ass. His obvious attraction to her was one big helpful step in the right direction of his slow sensual surrender. He had to have felt the electrifying connection between them. Having no experience herself, surely he had to have felt it if she had. Every time they been drawn together the atmosphere surrounding them had been charged with a heady sexual anticipation and exhilaration.

Despite the fact it would be a difficult to move past the physical and into his emotional barriers; Harley was up for the challenge. A clap of thunder broke her plotting and she walked over to the window. Peering into the darkness, she laughed and jumped up and down in glee. As the rain poured down, she did a little happy dance around the room. Woo-boy! Score one Harley; big ole Neanderthal!

Travis woke the next morning with a raging hard on feeling like he had a hangover. Little sleep and constant fantasies of a vibrant brunette will do that to a guy. He rolled over and looked at the clock which had been mocking him all night long, only to see 3:32 am glaring back at him. It'd been a whole thirty two minutes since the last time he looked. Sighing, he gave up on sleep, switched on the lights and got out of bed.

Stretching caused him to flinch and groan. He looked down to see a lovely collection of purpled bruises which started on his right shoulder and worked their way down his side in a random pattern making him resemble a Holstein. Despite the ache, he still couldn't resist the grin which spread across his face at the memory of why he was sporting such a look and of course like Pavlov's dog, his cock reared up and started in with a throbbing of its own.

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