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Kenny rushed Lil C to the hospital as fast as he can.

Lil C was losing blood fast.

"Kenny could you at least drive a little faster!" Naenae yelled.

"Naenae I advise you to shut the fuck up with me right now. You just sit there in the back and apply pressure to Lil C bullet wound." Kenny snapped at Naenae.

This shit is all her fucking fault.

"Please yall, calm down." Sky said.

"That's your stupid ass boyfriend driving like a fucking turtle. My boyfriend life is on the line!" Naenae yelled at Sky.

"Okay Naenae slow your fucking roll. You going to damn far." Sky said in a calm voice.

She not about to get her self worked up on Naenae ass.

"Man whatever." Naenae rolled her eyes at Sky.

Naenae just apply pressure to Lil C wound. He haven't woke up yet.

They arrived at the hospital and Kenny grabbed Lil C and put him over his shoulder. He ran into the hospital.

"Help! We need a doctor!" Kenny yelled.

Doctors and nurses came and took Lil C to the back. Naenae tried following them.

"Ma'am you cant go back here." A nurse stopped Naenae.

"But that's my fiancée." Naenae cried.

"Sorry ma'am." The nurse said then closed the door in Naenae face.

Naenae sink to the floor and started to cry. The should have never had that stupid argument. Then he wouldn't be laying in the hospital.

Five hours later.

"Family of Caesar Nelson." A doctor called out.

Kenny, Sky, Naenae, Catherine, and Sam walked up. Crystal and Cory was left with Kayla.

"I have good news and bad news. The good news is, Caesar not dead, but he did slip into a coma. That's the good news. I don't know how long he's going to be in the coma, that's the bad news" The doctor said with his head now.

Catherine let out a loud holler, Sam grabbed her. Naenae just cried silently to her self. Kenny hold Sky in his arms. Somebody going to pay for this bullshit. He will not sleep until somebody blood was on his hands. His girl was pregnant, she didn't need all this fucking stressed on her. That's double pay for the person that did this.

"Can we go see him?" Catherine asked.

"Yes, but you all can't stay long. Visitor hours are almost over." The doctor said then walked away.

They all made their way to Lil C room. He looked pale in the face, but he looked like he was having a goo dream. He had a slight smiled on his face.

"Lil C wake up baby. The kids need you. I need you. I'm so sorry for keeping that from you baby. Please forgive, wake up." Naenae cried hugging Lil C body.

Sky just rolled her eyes. Naenae was just putting on.

"Naenae just shut the fuck up. It's all your fault. He laying up in here." Kenny said.

"I'm not even about to say anything to you. My boyfriend is In here. He wouldn't want us arguing." Naenae said.

She did had a point there.

So they just didn't said anything else.

"I'm sorry for the outburst in the car Kenny. To be honest I blame my self. I should have let him know about Big Ben twin." Naenae said tears falling from her eyes again.

"Its cool. We need to stay by each other side, more now. Shit already getting real." Kenny said.
"So you telling me Big Ben has a twin and Lil C shot the twin and not Big Ben?" Sam said shocked.

Sky, Naenae, and Kenny all nodded their head.

"Man this is just crazy. We going to have to move." Sam shook his head.

"Hell no I'm not. I'm not about to let no man run me." Kenny said.

"All I want to know is how this punk mothafucka know where I stay and how he got my gate code." Kenny said.

Everyone didn't say anything. Just silence.
"Naenae how could you do this me, to us?" Lil C cried with tears in his eyes.

"You deserve everything that coming to you. This is just the beginning baby." Naenae laughed.
"I thought you love me." Lil C said holding his stomach which wad dripping blood.

"You see I did loved you. But not anymore, I just don't feel the spark. You are dead to me." Naenae said holding a gun in her hand.

Lil C just watch Naenae walked over to a figure and started kissing him.


"Big Ben?" Lil C asked.

"You see little nigga you should have never fuck with me. I'll have some of your own people turn their back on you." Big Ben laughed. So did Naenae.

No not his Naenae. Naenae wouldn't dare betray him that way.

"But how? You always was with me. How the fuck you working with the enemy?" Lil C was getting angry now.

"He pays me well." Naenae smiled. Then raised her gun to shoot Lil C.

"Noooo Naenae no , what you doing? You can't be working with him no." Lil C cried in his sleep.

Everyone rushed to his side.

"Lil C??" Everyone called his name.

Lil C eyes opened and landed on Naenae face.

"You''re dead." He said then fall back to sleep.

Everyone looked at Naenae.

Damn that's just crazy!

Lil C dream tho!

What you think?





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