6: your birthday

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It's your birthday. So you thought you would get a cupcake and put a candle on it. You sang yourself a birthday song and blew the candle. It was war so you could only find a small space in the forest to celebrate.

" Eating a cupcake by yourself? " one of the them asks.The other ninjas laugh scoff at her.

Yuki: sigh...

You walked away with your cupcake and they followed you. " why?!! Embarrassed?!! Don't be!! Just share that cupcake with us. "

Kakashi: stop it.

" wh... What?!! "

Yuki: Kakashi?

Kakashi: stop harassing her.

The ninjas were afraid by his cold tone. " what?!!! It's none of your business!! "

" stop it. " minato walked it.

" mina...to. Hai. "

Minato: its your birthday huh? Gomene you have to have it here.

Yuki: arigato. It's ok. I just want to be of some use.

Minato patted your head and left.

Kakashi: I didn't expect you to be a target of bully.

1) " well I'm smaller in size. "

2) " I'm used to it. Just have to ignore it. They think I'm an outsider. Not a konoha person. Probably hates me. "

" well I'm smaller in size. "

Kakashi: and you just let them?

Yuki: beating them up got me in trouble. Hokage had to explain for me. So I'll just bear with it.

Kakashi: I see.

Yuki: I heard you became jounin.

Kakashi: ah.

Yuki: congratulations. Here a gift. It's a precious cupcake. It was hard to get one.

Kakashi: no thanks. I don't need one.

Yuki: tsk. Picky. Fine I'll give you something else instead.

Kakashi: I told you I don't need it.

Yuki: I've seen your new technique. Chidori right? It's not complete. You leave yourself right open at the crucial moment.

Kakashi: and you think you're right.

Yuki: fine. Whatever.

Kakashi: your a jounin too isn't it? Recently?

Yuki: um. That's just annoying.

Kakashi: more hates?

Yuki: sigh... Can't help it. I'm not konoha after all.

Kakashi:... You are. You always do as asks isn't it?

Yuki: I guess...

" I'm used to it. Just have to ignore it. They think I'm an outsider. Not a konoha person. Probably hates me. "

Kakashi: you're too nice. Probably.

Yuki: probably. Want a mouth?

Kakashi: you ate it before?

Yuki: I'm not saliva conscious.

Kakashi: no thanks.

Yuki: congratulations. Jounin Kakashi.

Kakashi: arigato. You too isn't it?

Yuki: don't say it out loud. Do you want people to hate me?

Kakashi: you care?

Yuki: not really... Um. Yummy cupcake. See ya. Oh... And that chidori I saw... Don't use it. You'll die.

Kakashi: and who are you to judge?!!

You just wave without turning around and left.

My days with Kakashiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें