I put the final touch of lipstick on at the exact same moment Aiden honked his horn outside. I blew myself a kiss and headed to the door. I opened it, revealing Aiden in all his dressed up glory. A simple deep blue shirt and clear pants on, he was holding a bunch of lilacs, my favorites. He held them out to me awkwardly, making me laugh. I took his hand, threw the lilacs inside making sure they hadn’t been too ruined and led him to his car.

“Hey, that’s not a way to treat my gifts!” He cried out, outraged.

“They’re dead now that you’ve cut them, and I’m hungry” I stated.

He got in the car pouting and we drove to the restaurant.

“You know, I reeaally like your dress,” He smiled at me suggestively.

“Oh yeah? What is it that you like about it?” I scoffed.

His eyes raked down my body, “The shape, mainly…”

I laughed, “Oh yeah? You couldn’t even name the color of it,” I teased.

“Of course I can.” He cried out. I raised my eyebrows. “It’s blue.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hi, I'm Peter and I'll be your waiter tonight," a blond guy with a white shirt and a notepad said in a bored voice. Of course he had to be named Peter, I thought scowling. Aiden gave me a worried look and squeezed my hand on the table. I smiled reassuringly and looked up at him.

"I'll have the salmon in a foil parcel with rice. Oh, and a diet coke please."

He sighed. "We don't have coke here, is Pepsi ok?" he asked flatly.

"Is fucking Monopoly money ok?" I retorted angrily. Pepsi was the most disgusting thing on Earth; its smell sickened me and it had that horrid green tea aftertaste. OK, maybe it was because one day Aiden bought a two liters bottle of Pepsi and dared me to drink it in less than 10 minutes.

He snorted, scowling at me. "Sasha!" Aiden hissed, and then smiled at the waiter "She'll take a Dr Pepper, thanks."

The waiter grinned at Aiden, batting his eyelashes. "What can I do for you?" He flirted outrageously, making Aiden shift uncomfortably in his seat. I was both angry and amused by this scene; the waiter had the nerves to hit on Aiden right before me, but watching Aiden being hit on by a guy was something I sure didn't want to miss. And was it just me that heard the double meaning…?

"Err...” Aiden said slowly, before gazing at me with pleading eyes. I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing and shook my head subtly. "I'll have vegetarian ravioli and a glass of sparkling water," He ordered, looking everywhere but at the waiter.

"Ok, I'm going to get your drinks, I'll be right back," he said and shoot a wink at Aiden before taking off.

I burst out laughing and Aiden glared at me menacingly. "It's not funny. Stop it" He hissed, crossing his arms on his chest, making me laugh even more.

"There you go," The waiter said dryly, putting my drink in front of me. He turned to Aiden, smirking at him, and put down roughly his drink, making some spill on Aiden's pants. I had to put my hand on my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, let me…" the waiter apologized and took a dish towel out of nowhere. Oh yeah, he definitely planned that one, I thought as he mopped up the spilled water on Aiden's jeans. Weirdly enough, Aiden started to blush and eventually stood up.

"IT'S OK! I've got it now," he snatched the towel from the waiter's hand. He smirked at him and left.

I chuckled before asking him "What was that all about?"

"He felt me up," Aiden replied through gritted teeth, dabbing at the water on his jeans. He was still a little flushed and I would bet anything cleaning his pants was just a reason not to look at me.

I laughed, "Yeah I figured. But what was the last part about?"

Aiden blushed again, put the dishcloth on the table with a resigned look on his face. "Would you believe me if..." I motioned him to continue with my hand "If I told you I enjoyed it when he did?"

I burst out into a fit of giggles, bending over with laughter. People around us stared at me like I was some kind of freak, but I had to admit I was laughing pretty loudly. After a couple of minutes I finally managed to calm down, my breathing heavy and my ribs hurting slightly.

"Are you done?" He asked as I wiped the tears that had formed at the corners of my eyes.

I chuckled lightly just at the thought of it. "Yes, yes I believe I am." He glared at me. "So, do you think you're gay?" I asked, trying to keep my face straight.

He shot daggers at me, but then a worried look reached his eyes. "I don't know, I mean..."

"Do you want me to check if you're gay?" I suggested.

He smirked and nodded his head fervently. I smiled wickedly and scooted my chair closer to his until I was sitting right next to him. I took the handkerchief in my hands and looked up at Aiden. His face was a mixture of eagerness and worry. Why was he worried? I brushed this thought away and began to mop his jeans at the level of his crotch with the handkerchief.

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