Chapter 5

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Darcy was frustrated when, after her truthful answer as to why he would never touch her, the blonde surfer started shouting at Marcus and asking for an explanation to justify her words. She didn't see that it was any of his business, but she could clearly hear him asking how Marcus could even contemplate selling her virginity to whoever had enough money. And her frustration at the control they were trying to display over her by pretending that they had a right to object to anything Marcus tried to do to her, was only fuelled as he made the most ludicrous defence she had ever heard. "She's not had her medication this morning, that's why she doesn't want me here, because I'm trying to make her take it." He explained pathetically, his voice showing authority and love, pushing the surfer away from him as his friends hovered at his side, their arms folded in a rally of menace. "She has a problem with hallucinating and she's very protective of herself. She thinks that because we gave her a nice dress to wear, for a party tonight, then it means we're taking her somewhere so someone can take her virginity...she's very protective of her innocence." He insisted. And as much as the words infuriated Darcy, she felt they were more condescending than she was supposed to realise, the smirk on Marcus's lips proving that he felt he was hitting back at her for rejecting his advances. But she didn't care what he did or what he told anyone about her. He wasn't getting anywhere near her and that was the end of it.

"Seems like someone's mad at you..." Nobutara smiled down at her as he paid for her light snack, pocketing his wallet as he gestured for her to join the other girls outside. "I rather thought he liked you a bit too much, what did you do to piss him off?" He asked casually, as if they were friends and he was entitled to know everything about her and why it was important.

"I didn't do anything to him." She objected softly, sitting down next to Morgan again, feeling that she needed some comfort and she knew that the pretty blonde teacher had a soft sport for Marcus and so would keep any advances he may make to her, at a safe distance. "He kissed me." She sighed in a clear disgust.

"He did what?" Nobutara's voice boomed louder than he'd anticipated, staring back into the shop to glare at the young man who had made a move on Darcy. They were all attracted to one girl or another, they were men after all and being around all those young girl just coming into womanhood was quite a temptation when they were able to spend as much time with they as they were, getting to know them. But making a move, a physical move on one of them that didn't consist of tormenting them with admiring looks and verbal confirmation of their beauty, that would ultimately help them deal with the situation they were to be integrated into...that was out of order. "Don't you worry Darcy, I'll take care of the little shit and make sure he doesn't do it again." He groaned in a soft growl of disapproval as he sat opposite her.

"Darcy..." Morgan began quietly, unsure of whether she wanted to ask her question or not.

"Yes?" She smiled, though they were all aware that it was only for show.

"What kind of kiss was it?" She asked uncertainly, Nobutara's head snapping up to first glance at Morgan with a clear curiosity that didn't understand why she was asking, before staring at Darcy in anticipation of her answer, now finding it a viable thing to take into consideration. None of the men had ever dared try and touch the girls and kissing them was clearly out of order, but he hoped that that had been all Marcus had done. The very fact that none of the girl had been allowed boyfriends was simply that the man they were being taken to had made it clear that he would only accept a virgin. It seemed a simple request and he knew that there was no way on earth that Marcus had had time to do such a terrible thing to the sweet girl in front of him, but she had an uneasy look about her and he wasn't quite sure of what to make of it. Perhaps he had made a verbal suggestion to wanting to do such things or he might have crossed another line between the kiss and taking her virginity, but she seemed hesitant to say.

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