her pain

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Jared POV
After he put on some tubes ,the doctor asked me to come outside
Then as I stepped outside
He asked me " do you want to know her injuries ??"
I nodded my head too numb to speak
" okay alpha, her ribs are broken
Since about 3 months
I think someone stamped her
Her stomach is covered in bruises
Well ," he coughed awkwardly ," you know why "
"Her arm has 8 scars and she's hurting everywhere"
My fists clenched with every word he spoke
I unclenched my first as I knew I was responsible for her pain
"When will she be conscious "
I asked ,my voice hollow.
"She will wake in a few hours and alpha she needs food and water" he said and walked out .
Just then Blake walked in , his eyes full of fury
Blake POV
" what did you do?" I asked him with barely contained anger
"Let's talk inside ,I want to see my mate " he said and walked out
He was going to have it

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