Start from the beginning

"KAGAMI!!!" someone shouted and I snapped seeing the ball heading to my direction hitting directly my face.


I can't believe it Kagami is really an idiot letting the ball hit his face, what is he thinking. I marched to where Kagami fuming with anger.

"Baka!!" then I kicked him. "Being distracted during the practice, Focus Kagami!!" I shouted at his face to make him get my point.

"Sorry coach," he apologized.

"Kagami-kun you're not yourself today is there something wrong?" Kuroko asked as he approaches us.

"It's nothing," Kagami mumble.

After that, we continued and eventually, everything went well except for Kagami's mistakes. He's not usually like this but seeing how he played today concerned me a lot. I need to talk to him.


After the practice, Kuroko immediately bid us goodbye as if he's in a hurry. Why am I bothered by his sudden change? 'You're bothered because you're his friend' a nagging voice from my head said. After Kuroko left Coach suddenly barged in with cross arms while looking at me.

"What's wrong with you Kagami?" she asked her voice laced with a bit of annoyance and anger.

"Nothing," I shrugged.

"Kagami, you know you can tell us what's bothering you," Kiyoshi-senpai said while ruffling my hair with his big hands.

"Let me guess is this about Kuroko?" The captain said while looking at me. I slowly nodded at the question.

"So what about Kuroko," he added. I instantly hesitated for seconds I debated with myself whether I'm going to tell them or not.

"Kagami spill it out!" The coach said impatiently while tapping her foot on the floor.

"I-I think there's something wrong with Kuroko, something has changed," I said while looking at them with their serious faces. We were surrounded by silence after I said those observations I have.

"I have noticed that too," Kiyoshi-senpai broke the silence.

"In fact, Kagami-kun all of us noticed that Kuroko has changed after the Winter Cup," Captain confessed. "We just can't pinpoint what had changed in him because it's as if he's acting normal," he quickly added.

"He became colder," I said making their eyes look at me with confusion.

"What do you mean?" Coach asked with a concerned voice.

"We all know how expressionless Kuroko can be but now he's colder I can't find any hint of warmth from him," I said.

"Can you make it more clear, you really suck at explanations," Coach commented, I just rolled my eyes at her comment.

"What I want to say is that Kuroko always keeps an expressionless face but even though he keeps that face always you could still feel warmth whenever he looks at you or whenever he plays basketball but after the winter cup he slowly became colder and becoming more colder each day," I slowly explained to them then again there is silence.

"Does the Generation of Miracles know about this?" Kiyoshi-senpai asked breaking the silence once again.


I'm on my way now to Maji Burger, I was surprised to get a call from Kagami saying we should meet and talk about something very important. When I reached the place, I didn't expect to see the other four of the Generation of Miracles especially Akashi to be sitting with Seirin.

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