Last Night?

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I'm going to give this bitch a peace of my mind. Whether she liked it or not.

I sat up from my table and walked towards where Alexis is. I didn't know exactly what I was going to say. So when I got infrount of her I just kinda stood there silent for a couple mins.

"Well, are you going to talk?" She said.

"Actually yes I am and your big ass mouth is gonna shut the fuck up while I'm doing it to." I said.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you heard me perfectly clear, what gives you the right, what gives you the nerve to start a rumor about me?" I retorted. "I'm so sorry if your a jealous bitch and can't stand seeing people happy. Like if you have a life MOVE THE FUCK ON AND LEAVE ME ALONE."

"Its not my problem anymore sweetie." She said with that cocky ass attitude that makes me wanna slap the grin off her face.

"What do you mea-"

"The whole school already thinks your a trouble making slut." I walked away from her. Then I got up and stood up on a chair in the middle of the cafeteria. Everyone was staring already.

"Hi everyone. Ok I don't know exactly what you have been told, or what you have heard about me, but I'm pretty sure you have heard that I got drunk at a party, got pregnant, got an abortion, or something very similar to that right? So I'm here to say if you are that stupid to believe this bitch's rumors then your gonna get nowhere in life cuz I can guarantee you this I'm 15 years old and I am a virgin. Now go and believe her lies, but keep this in mind. How many people have started rumors about you?" I finished. I took a deep breathe.

Holy shit that felt good. I sat back down a continued my lunch with Gray, Ethan, and Brooke.

----------- 4 months later -----------

The past few months Alexis has left me alone. Hopefully its for good. Me and Grayson have been doing good. But I'm scared. Everyone's relationship has breaking points and tough times. But me and Grayson, haven't. Usually when you don't have one for awhile, one comes. And its the worst. I don't think I can handle anything like that.

Its like late June. Right now Grayson is in L.A. for a few days. He's visiting with Ethan for a friends birthday. I trust Grayson fully. We have face timed at least once a day, he tries to text me whenever he can. I'm not a klingy girlfriend. I understand when a dude wanna just hang with his friends, and that he can't text me every second of the day. He's coming back in two days.

I miss him already

---------- Grayson's POV-----

Its nice out here. I love Los Angeles. The beaches, nice restaurants, and the beautiful city lights at night. Damn. I just wished Ariana was here to see it.

One day.
One day I will bring her here. Just me and her. And we will look at the beautiful sky together.

Tonight was that party for me and Ethan's friend Tommy. He said it was gonna be sick. A bunch of teens hanging around joking, it sound like fun. Man I haven't seen Tommy since last year around this time for his birthday. There is so much to tell him.

Finally it was time for the party.

"You ready bro?" Ethan says heading toward the door of our hotel room.

"Yea lets go." I say put my snapback on and unlock my phone. I text Ariana.
Me- hey baby. I'm off to the party. Not gonna be able to text you back for a while. Gotta make my battery last.
Ariana- okay byeee love you ♥
Me- love you more. Text you later.

Last text message I sent, then I got in the cab.

"This party gonna be awesome bro." Ethan spoke up.

"473 Airline parkway." I say to the cab driver. (Made up address btw)

" I know dude, can wait to see Tommy again. Look no flirting, and lay low on drinking. Okay ethan?" I say kind of serious.

"I know bro I wouldnt do that to Brooke and I gotcha." He says.

10 mins later we arrive. I pay the cab driver. We arrive to a house that was blaring with music and teens talking. Wow this was some party. Tommoy could always out do himself from the previous year.

We walked up to the pourch and tommy greeted us there.

"Look its my homeboys The Dolans!" He screamed.

"Wassup Tom boyyy" I say.

"Aye tommy old bup." Ethan says

We all walked inside and sat on the couch. The house filled up with a number of teens by the minute. There was teens here from the age 14 maybe to like 17 or 18. Me and Ethan just kinda stayed together other then when reunited with some old friends we haven't seen in awhile. Then ethan got up to go use the bathroom. I sat on the kitchen bar by myself on my phone. Then a girl came a sat down next to me. I don't think I have met her before.

She was quite pretty. Long black, wavy hair, dark brown eyes, darker then Ariana's, and she wore a shirt and some jeans. She seemed cool. Not the stuck up bitchy type.

"Hi" she says cheerfully.


"So, your here alone." She asks.

"No, I came with my brother he is just in the bathroom right now." I say.

"So how about a drink?"

"Uh sure I guess" I say.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"You pick, nothing to strong. I don't wanna get really wasted or anything." Hey it's a party, I'm a teen. I'm gonna drink, I just don't like getting the wasted to were its like the movie hangover. She gets up to get drinks and comes back with two. She sets mine infrount me on the bar.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Just drink, don't worry its not to strong and if u think it is you don't have to drink it all." She says sipping her glass. It tasted like vodka. But had a funny taste to it. Like I have had achol one other time, when my parents where drunk and gave me a shot. But that was pure vodka. She must have mixed it with coke or something.

I finished about half my glass and then I told myself no more. I could start to feel little effect from the drink. I started to feel a tiny bit dizzy. That's really all I could remember from that night. I could only remember fragments of what happened after that.

The next day I woke up, I slightly have a pounding headache from whatever happened last night.

Oh god. What did happen last night?

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