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(Still Grayson's POV)

      Ugh. Rumors. I hate rumors , they ruin people, but I'm not letting Alexis's lies ruin Ariana. I reached the cafeteria and went to the table our little group sat in. Ethan was there playing on his phone.

"Where is Ariana?" I asked.

"She's with Brooke in line for lunch." He replied no taking his eyes off his phone.

"Dude, Ethan did u hear the rumor about Ariana?." I asked.

"Rumor? Wait, what happened?" He looked up from his phone staring at me.

"I heard about it in first period, I found out who started it, take a guess." I said sarcastically.

"Queen Bitch.." He said. That's what me and Ethan called her. Alexis and Ethan never EVER liked each other at all and when me and her were a couple she made sure I only had time for her and no one else not even my own brother. I couldn't stand doing that to my own brother. One of the many reasons I broke up with her.

"What is she saying?" Ethan asked.

"Well she is telling everyone that Ariana moved up here, because she got drunk and then got pregnant and was forced to get an abortion." I said.

"Wow." Was all that Ethan said.

"Hey baby." Ariana said.

"Oh-hey," I said getting up kissing her on the forehead. She sat down next to me and Brooke next to Ethan. They started eating lunch.

Brooke broke the silence. She always has something to say no matter when or what it is.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" She said. She sounded ticked off. Then again people annoy Brooke a lot. Ariana picks her head up and looks around. Literally everyone was staring at us. And whoever wasn't was talking to someone who was.

Ariana's POV---

  "Do these people like have a problem, or something its annoying when they are just staring straight at us." I say.

Like literally what the fuck. Like almost the whole cafeteria is staring at us. Was there something in my hair? Is something wrong with my face? Is there anything wrong with me?

"Ariana, I have to tell you something." Grayson spoke up.

"What is it?"

"So I swear to god I didn't find out until first period but," he said kind of stuttering but continued anyway, "there is this rumor going around were at our old school u got really drunk at a party and u ended up getting pregnant and had to get an abortion and all and that's why u moved..." He said.

Okay now literally what the fuck!?

"Who the fuck came up with that rumor?"I said. A heatflash waved upon me as I filled with a little bit of anger.

"Don't worrur boyfriend got u." Ethan said. "He went all 'imma fuck u up if u don't tell me' on Oscar." He finished. Ethan always found it funny how Grayson gets mad or angry sometimes. Grayson gave Ethan a serious glare.

"Oscar told me that Alexis started it." He said. Ugh. Alexis. Her name disgusted me. Idk why, I'm just a very salty person sometimes, especially when it comes to Alexis.

"ALEXIS?!!?" I screamed. Okay now everyone was looking at us. That's for sure. I practically just screamed out the biggest bitch in the schools name also the one who is spreading rumors about me. I skimmed my eyes across this cafeteria. Then I saw her. Im so done with her.

This time I had enough....

His Eyes Had Me Hooked • gdजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें