Chapter 18.

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A lump formed in my throat and I just stared at her in shock.

"Why?" I whisper. "What have I ever done to you?"

"You stole him from me!" She yelled taking a step closer and tightening her hand on the gun.

Stole him?

Who is him?

"Joshua?" I questioned.

I never knew she was interested in him.

"No you dumb bitch." She spits. "Landon. You stole Landon from me."

I stiffened.

"Landon is my husband. How did I still him from you?" I questioned.

"You're breaking up our family. The family that Landon and I started four years ago!" She practically yelled.

"Four years..." I mumbled.

We'd been married for seven years.

"You've been sleeping...with Landon for four...years?"

She nodded and flashed an evil smile.

Normally I'd smile back but right now, I want to knock those teeth down her throat.

"I don't believe this."

"Well believe it honey. Landon has been cheating on you for over half of your marriage." Her mouth slanted into a half-smirk. "And that's not all."

She took a couple steps back towards the door while keeping the gun aimed at me.

She unlocked it and swung it open.

"Miyah, come here baby." She called outside my office door.

A few seconds later a little girl walked in and my heart immediately cracked into a million pieces.

She looks exactly like Landon.

He had a child with Amy?

Amy closed the door back and set the hand that isn't holding the gun on the little girl's shoulder.

"Amiyah say hello to your stepmom." Amy said.

Amiyah looked at me with the saddest eyes ever and sniffled.

"Go ahead, Jess. Ask her anything." Amy said, walking forward while still keeping the gun hidden from Amiyah.

I cleared the tears from my throat.

"H-how old are you?" I croaked, leaning down a little so that we were face to face.

"I'm this many." She held up four little fingers.

I laughed a little at her cuteness until I find myself on my hands and knees, crying at the little girl's feet.

I couldn't believe it.

Not only did Landon cheat on me but he did it with my assistant.

And he got her pregnant about the same time him and I were trying to conceive...

I started gulping air and my heartache deepened when Amiyah turns to Amy and asks, "Mommy, when can we see daddy?"


He had his first child with someone other than his wife.

Amy looks down at me with a look of disgust.

"Real soon baby." She pulled Amiyah back towards the door. "Real soon. As soon as mommy gets done talking to the mean woman, we'll go see daddy okay?"

"Okay." Amiyah grins, showing her missing front tooth.

Amiyah looked back at me as Amy whispered something into her ear, and she nodded before walking back in front of me.

"My mommy told me to tell you to stop ruining our family. Why can't you just leave my daddy alone?" She sniffled again and wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. "Leave my mommy and daddy alone 'cause you make my mommy sad. You mean, mean lady."

She turned and walked past Amy and out the door.

Amy swiftly locked the door again.

"Now do you realize how truly worthless you are?" Amy says taking a few dramatic steps towards me. "Your husband doesn't even want to have kids with you. So you should want to die anyways. I'm practically doing you a favor."

I took a few deep breaths before pulling myself up to my knees.

I will not let her win.

Even though my makeup was slightly messed up, I still gave her the most intimidating smile I could manage.

Time to flip the entire damn script.

"I'm worthless?" I laughed. "Do you not realize that Landon doesn't even love you?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Nice try, bitch. I know my man loves me."

I laughed again.

"Oh. So he's your man." I held up my left hand and pointed to the diamond ring on my finger. "Did your man get you one of these?"

She stayed silent but glared at me.

"No? Well does your man take you out to lunch every week? Does he make you breakfast every single morning? Does he come home to you every single night and make slow, passionate love until your legs give out? Or does he just fuck you and come back home to me?"

By this time, tears are appearing in Amy's eyes.

"You know I'm right Amy. You know who he does and always has belonged to: me. You know why? Because I'm his wife. Not just a dirty whore that he used for a quick nut and that he accidentally got pregnant. You are the one that's worthless. I'm the one he lives with. His clothes are in our closet in our house."

"We have a house too." She spit. "So you're not that fucking special."

"Oh I'm very special, he takes me out in public all the time. Tell me something, when was the last time your little 'family' went out together?"

She pushed her tongue into her cheek and started tapping her foot.

"Shut up." She mumbled. "Landon loves me and Amiyah."

"I'm just letting you know that whatever you thought you and Landon were, is imaginary. I'm his wife and he loves me. He probably loves Amiyah because that's his daughter. But he definitely doesn't love you. If he loved you, he would have told me about you and Amiyah. But he didn't. You know why?" I felt the tears I'd been holding in slide down my face. "Because you're a home-wrecking worthless piece of trash who thinks that she can just come in here and shoot me with a gun full of blanks."

Her eyes widened and her jaw slightly dropped before she closed it quickly.

I was bluffing about know if the bullets were blanks, but judging by her reaction, I was right.

"Oh whatever. I don't know-" She took a couple steps towards me and pointed the gun in my face.

I grabbed the gun with one hand while the other punched her in square in the nose.

Her head whipped back and I stepped out of my heels before tackling her to the ground.

We wrestled around for a minute, her shrieking and grabbing at my hands as I send all my frustration, hurt, and anger through my fists to her body.

I was so caught up in my punches that I didn't notice her hand reaching for the gun until it's too late.


A gun goes off, and everything goes black.


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Two chapters left before the Epilogue.


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