Shopping trip

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Liam's POV:
Getting Madison to bed last night wasnt hard at all! I just put one of Niall's shirts on her and later her down then told her I will be here in an hour or so. She was out like a light:)

So this morning I woke up at about 7 am to start breakfast. When I went downstairs harry was in the kitchen cooking bacon, eggs, and toast. "What are you doing, tomorrow is your day to cook breakfast today's mine" I said. "We'll since your like a dad and all I decided I will take your breakfast cooking day so you don't have to worry about" "oh ok thanks Hazz" I said smiling "D-daddy" I turned around to see Madison holding Niall's hand Niall smiling and Madison not looking to happy "what's wrong babe?" I asked picking her up "nwiall wake me up" she said getting all teary eyed. "Awe princess I didn't mean to upset you or wake you up I was just going in daddy's room to get something and you woke up" Niall said. "Oh! Princess he didnt wake you up you woke up yourself and he just happened to be in the room" I said glaring at Niall.

After the rest of the boys got up and we had out breakfast we headed out to go on our shopping trip.
When we got in the car I put Madison on Harry's lap so she would be safe then I got in the drivers seat and we headed off.
Harry's POV:
We weren't even in the car for two minutes until Madison started to whine "I'm bored daddy I'm bored" " we will be there soon honey just hold your horses" liam said "but I don't heave anywee hworses" we all laughed "no princess that's just a saying he didn't actually mean hold your horses" Niall laughed.
Once we got to the store we decided to split up. "Harry you take Madison to toysRus, Louis and Niall you guys go get clothes for her you need shoes of all sorts socks underwear shirts pants hats coats everything and I am meeting Andy at HomeHardware (idk) and we are gonna get the stuff for her room okay" liam demanded "yes daddy" Madison said saluting
We were in the mall for two hours and so far she picked out 5 barbies and 2 colouring books. Liam text me saying he's done so he's gonna take Madison from me and get her to pick more toys out and I can go help louis and Niall.
Liam's POV:
Harry's been gone 10 minutes and I already got her to get 20 toys I told her one more and she found the one direction barbies. She came running to me "daddy! Daddy! I found a doll you!" She pulled my hand toward the barbies "yes baby that's me and the boys do you want them?" I asked "YES" she screamed so then I told her that's enough stuff for now and we went to meet the boys. They were also done
On out way home Madison passed out within 5 minutes and so it was quite.
But some fans did try to chase the car. Madison loved it before she passed out.

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