"It's a surprise babe so sush" I'm napailing nalang and texted Nadine I will be absent the whole day because of this bastard

2 hours have past and we're out of the city already, I know Andre won't do anything to me, I trust him

He stop the car in a nearby forest. My heart was raging so fast, Jesus Christ what will he do?

He open my door and smile

"Babe stop thinking negative problems on what I'm going to do to you, I'm not that bad" He said and handed his right hand to me, I raise my eyebrow thinking if I'll accept it or not but nah I accepted it

"Where are we going?" I ask once again

"Surprise nga, don't worry hindi naman tayo malayo sa Manila" We are now walking inside the woods hand in hand

I was mesmerised by it's beauty. They were roses white, pink, red and yellow. Different colours of butterflies and a lot of wonderful tress which bore multiple fruits on it

I can't believe merong like this ang Manila

"How come you know this place, it's beautiful" I said and roamed my eyes around this wonderful forest

"Actually I bought this, I saved this forest from the miners and illegal loggers who wanted to destroy it" He said while his cheeks are forming in a blush

And again I thought the man infront of me is a man with cockiness, stupidness all the 'ness', but I was wrong

"That's amazing Andre" He just chuckled and scratch his batok

"But I have something else to show you"

I was shock when he carried me bridal style and ran deeper into the woods, he pause when we saw a curve opening with flowers and vines around it and with butterflies, we went inside. It was kinda dark so I tighten my grip on Andre

"Don't worry sweetheart your safe" I smiled and snuggled deeper into his chest, inhaling his manly scent

"Close your eyes" He whispered on my ear, I did and let him take me full advantage

I heard a water?

"Open now babe" I open my eyes and wow, words can't explain how wonderful this place is. Here I am looking at the exquisite waterfall right infront of me

"Catch me if you can" Andre said while removing his shirt, I raise my eyebrow. When he was done, 8 pack abs were fully displayed infront of me

"Stop gaping sweetheart I know I'm hot" He said and jump into the water, he went up and wink at me

"Come join me! The water is cold and clean" I chuckled and remove my shirt as well, timing I'm on my P.E attire now so I'm wearing my shorts and a sports bra

I jump into the water not noticing Andre's hands on my waist as he join me going deeper into the water

I open my eyes and saw Andre smiling at me and guess what we're still underwater!

His arms wrap around my tiny waist

I stared at him as he did the same, his eyes went to my lips, I did not know what came into me when I garb his face and smash his lips into mine

And I was shock when he was kissing me back. And now I realize he is different from Dominique, cause Dominique can only kiss me in air but this man can kiss me both land and water

"I love you" We both mouthed and swam up to breath some air


"Yassi" I was back into reality when Dominique called my name, he held my hand and surprisingly I can't feel anything anymore

"Can you forgive me?" I smiled

"Okay I forgive you" His face lighten up and pulled me into a tight hug

"I miss you my queen" He mumbled , I was shock when he said that. Last time I would turn into a bright tomato when he will say those words

"Dominique I, I've move on" I said and pulled away from his hug

"What?" He ask, pain is visible on his tone

"When you left I was shattered into pieces, I though having you back can bring back the pieces together but no, a man came to my life, his cockiness and arrogantness made my relationship towards him turn like shit, but the days or months we've been together I never thought this man can turn into a good - hearted, responsible and sweet one. And I know denying my feelings for him is the greatest lie that I can ever tell"


"Dominique I love Andre" His hands were trembling

"So you replace me with him?"

"No cause you will always have a soft spot in my heart, but he got everything, he made a trap and sadly I fell. And I'm hoping he will feel the same way towards me" Dominique's going to reply but a familiar voice came into the picture

"Who said I'm not feeling the same way towards you?" My breath stop when I heard his voice


"I don't want to tell my feelings by words, I want to do it by actions" I was going to reply but he cutted me by smashing his lips into mine

"Hey Yassi" We were interrupted by the voice of James, Andre groaned and gave him a glare

"What?" He snapped, I chuckled and slap his arm lightly

"Whoa so your Yassi now? Bastard. Sorry for interrupting your mouth to mouth bonding but hey where is your beautiful bestfriend?"

"Inside" I replied

"Anong gagawin mo?" Dominique butted in the conversation, James just scoffted

"Susuyuin ko pa yung asawa ko" James said and went in the house, Dominique is napa iling at napatingin sa amin

"I hope your happy" He smiled sadly and walk away, I just sighed

"So sweetheart where were we?" Andre said as he lifted my chin, I chuckled and kiss him again

I'm gonna thank Dominique later for leaving me and giving me a man better than him

A/N: Ok sila na ang may forever -.- Talo pa nila sina Romeo at Juliet orayt! KAMUSTA NAPO KAYO? Sorry po hindi na na cecenter sina James at Nadine sa mga past chapters but promise next chap sila na :* Abangan po ninyo! Sorry din pala sa mga grammatical errors

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