"What're you doing? I'm going to be late" I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach

"Deaton's" he grunted turning a corner

"I'm fine" I emphasize the word fine to let him know I don't want to go

"You were vomiting, you didn't eat my food, and you have back pains" he gave me a strict glare

"I don't have back pains" I lied scowling at him

"Every once and a while you'll fidget in your seat or rub at your back" he says rolling his eyes

"I-.." I have no excuse

"Exactly" he parked his car next to Deaton's "Come on"

Stiles's POV

I stand by my locker that just so happened to be across from Derek's. The first bell had already rang and he wasn't here which was odd seeing that he hasn't missed a day of school since ever. Even if he doesn't do his homework he shows up everyday and still gets straight A's. I sigh glancing at his locker before stomping off to Trigonometry

I walk into class to see Lydia sitting in her usual seat by my desk and I sit down. She smiles at me and I do my best to smile back. Maybe I shouldn't have ditched Derek last night, what if that's why he isn't here today? I'm such an idiot, I rest my head in my arms as the final bell rings

"Are you okay?" Lydia asks tying her strawberry blonde hair in a sloppy bun

"Just great" I muttered frowning

"Boyfriend troubles?" She smiled sympathetically at me

"Something like that" I sigh

"Well if you ever need any advice I'm here" she squeezes my shoulder just before Mrs. Richter starts talking

"I know" I mumbled looking at the teacher

Class dragged on and I couldn't focus on anything but Derek and where he was. I continuously checked my phone to see if he had texted me even though he said he wasn't going to for a while. Frustrated, I shut off my phone and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was ranting about. I look out the window waiting for some sign of Derek, but I end up spending the rest of the class staring at a vacant parking lot waiting for my boyfriend who was MIA

Derek's POV

I sat on Deaton's steel table as he grabbed the things he needed for my physical. Peter rocked on his heels looking around Deaton's office, he would every so often check his phone as if he had somewhere more important to be. I know I did, but here I was sitting on this stupid hard table because of my annoyingly stubborn Uncle

"Alright Derek, I only have a few questions and then we'll take some tests and you'll be all done" Deaton said looking down at his clipboard

I only nodded with a tired sigh

"How much sleep do you get a week?" he started

"Like do you want me to give you an estimate or...?" I asked swinging my legs

"Yes" he replied

"Maybe like six a day" I answer

He hummed and wrote something down on his clipboard. Peter actually started paying attention to the conversation at this point, and I felt something inside me snap. The way he looked at everything around him like it was less important than him annoyed the living hell out of me. I scowled at him my mood suddenly turning sour

"Let's check your height and weight next" he smiled and I slid off the table and kicked off my shoes

He took my height and it turns out I'm 5'10 only one inch below Stiles who is 5'11. I snort and Deaton takes my weight that is about one hundred and forty eight pounds. Deaton raises an eyebrow but just writes down something else on his clipboard before letting me sit back down on the table again

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