"You guys know where I can meet the coach? I need to join a team on campus." Nate asked. The words came out differently. It was rougher and more commanding, than the almost sweet and patronizing tone he spoke to me with.
Kevin glared at him, but the others, seeing his jacket, most likely, grinned broadly.

"I can take you to him man. He has class on the field. Easy to get too." Nate barely acknowledged Kevin which didn't surprise me. I wouldn't have either if someone were looking at me with that much animosity.

Why was he acting so strange? I thought of that for a moment and came to a fairly good conclusion. He was scared that Nate would replace him on the team.

"Thanks dude," Nate reached out with his hand towards the jock. I thought they were going to shake it, as he had done with me, but instead they slapped hands. The sound was almost frightening. But neither looked hurt.

Kevin smirked and shook his head.

"You know what? Let me do it Derek. I could put in a good word for the guy, probably get him on the team faster." He added with a strange look on his face.

I seemed to be the only one who noticed it. The jock, who I now knew as Derek smiled. His grin still broad.

"Sure, knock yourself out." He said.

The teacher finished with Kevin's homework and began moving onto the next student.

So Kevin wasn't actually scared of his position?

So why didn't he like Nate?

When the bell rang I was thankful none of the jocks picked on me. They usual left me alone unless I didn't keep my distance or they were bored.

The thought came to soon when I realized my backpack was missing. My eyes scanned the classroom until they landed on two jocks running out the room with a familiar bag in their hands.

"Hold on a moment!" I called pushing myself up, jogging awkwardly towards the door. I've never been the athletic type and most physical movement tired me easily.

Kevin watch me as I left, as did Nate. They both looked confused but Kevin quickly looked away towards his new friend, mumbling something to the boy.

The hall was quickly becoming filled as I neared the thieves. If it weren't for their monstrous size I was sure to have lost them.

"Gentlemen?!" I called to them. The taller of the two glanced at me then smirked, getting his partners attention. They didn't bother to pick up their speed.

I was panting now and slowly becoming dizzy.
"Hey Sockhead?" Eddy called me.

Despite the urge to look back I ignored him, earning an annoyed grunt and the sound of someone running after me.

I wasn't sure how long I could keep going. I sighed in relief when I saw them stop by their lockers.

I stopped to catch my breath, they looked at me with amusement.

"May I please have my bag back?" I asked, gasping for air. My hands gripped my knees for support.

"I don't know." He mumbled, his hand rubbed his chin questionably. "You have all the homework done for the entire week, I could use that and boost my grade." I noticed the zipper to my bag had been opened and papers were disorderly within, showing he had been rummaging.

I was surprised by that. It wasn't even much. Three essays about what you did during summer, which you could easily copy for all three classes. The summer homework and several pages of math, science and history summaries that needed to be done for the first few chapters of each textbook.

"But..." I couldn't push the words out, my tongue felt unusually dry.

The jocks chuckled and waved the bag in the air.

"But what?" He wondered.

"Hey Double D! I was calling you, what, you got something weighing down that head of yours?" I rolled my eyes at Eddy despite my tired state.

"They took my bag." I stated simply, annoyed, no longer being polite.

The jocks gave me an interested look at my new tone.

Ed walked slowly after Eddy, bashfully avoiding eye contact with me. "Ed can you get my bag back?" I asked hopeful.

Ed's entire face lit up he smiled. "You're awesome Double D!" He told me instead, pulling me into a crushing hug.

"Ed, my bag?" I exhaled, suffocating.

He ignored me, swinging my raised body above the air.

"I'm sorry Double D!" He nearly shouted. "Eddy told me you were trying to give Sarah her diary. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He repeated the last few sentences in my dark almost-red orange shirt.

"Release me Ed." He obeyed, dropping me to my wobbly feet.

I sighed looking at the two jocks. If Eddy and Ed couldn't help I'll have to do it myself. I forced confidence into my voice and I took a deep breath.

"Anderson toss me the bag," An all too familiar voice spoke instead. I turned and made eye contact with Kevin. The boy didn't pause as he threw the material into Kevin's open hand. Kevin made eye contact with me and my entire body wanted to shake. His eyes had a mesmerizing look that I hadn't seen before. Something I wanted to see more of.

Nate stood beside him with an odd expression. After an immeasurable moment Nate took the bag from Kevin and gave it to me.

My hands didn't grab it at first, still staring at the glowing ginger haired boy. He watched me in return, a dangerous expression on his face. The thought of what he might see made me look away. My skin paled.

Nate gave me a sweet smile, bringing a bit of color to my skin. He pushed the material further into my hands and I finally took ahold of it.

The jocks were confused but looked expectantly at Kevin who smirked at them. "I'm on my way to visit coach with the new kid, wanna come?" He asked them. They thought about his offer for a few moments and nodded, deciding to join.

It seemed Kevin only got my bag back to get their attention.

Kevin began to walk away with them but Nate stayed behind for a moment. "See you around." He smiled, backing away. His shaggy hair waved, lightly hitting his forehead as he moved to catch up with the already leaving boys.

"What the hell was that about?" Eddy asked. I frowned at his language but shook my head.

"I don't have a clue."

Nonetheless Eddy grabbed my elbow and began to drag me towards the cafeteria, with an Ed who proceeded to talk to his growling stomach.

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