"Yeah baby, we'll have to go back and head to the hotel to get swim stuff, but later ok?" I try and reassure.

"No" Blaine screamed as he kicked his legs about.

"Blaine, stop it, you're going to hit Brittany" I warn.

"No" he sobbed.

"San you might want to get Britt out" I warned again.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely" I say and she gets Brittany out and Blaine cries harder and kicks his legs all over the place.

"Thanks for letting me know Kurt" San chuckled.

"Told you, Britt would of gotten hit if not, so I thought it would be a good idea to get her out" I explain.

"Ou" Blaine screamed.

"Once you've calmed down, you can come out" I tell him as we started to walk around the hotel park.

"Britt, look sweetie, do you want to go on the swings?" I ask her.

"'E ome?" Blaine asks.

"Have you calmed down" I say.

"Eah" he sniffles.

"Come on then" I say and get him out and head over to the swings with Britt and Blaine. We played for a little while before heading out further than the hotel to get lunch. After lunch, we went back and got ready to swim outside the hotel.

"Lets go" I cheer and we all head out, leaving the pushchair behind we are only going to the swimming pool outside. We head to the pool and I put Blaine's armbands on.

"Ready" I say as I get in first.

"Daddy will hold you" I promised him as he looked a bit scared about coming into the pool.

"Daddy" he squealed, once I pulled him in playfully and he laughed.

"See, it's not that bad is it?" I told him as I helped him swim a little.

"Kick your legs out" I say as I hold onto his arms to support him and he kicks his legs out and splashes.

"Ok ok" I say turning my face away, but chuckling a little bit.

"E 'ump in?" he asks as he saw Brittany jumping in and Santana catching her. 'I'm glad each hotel room had their own swimming pool, except dad and everyone else joined mine and San's' I thought.

(A/N: I actually do not know if they have hotels that have their own swimming pool, but it sounds cool🏊)

I helped Blaine up onto the edge and made sure he stood steadily, before he turned around and looked at me, smiling.

"Jump" I say and he jumps into my arms and giggles.

"Gen, gen" he cheers and we do it loads more times before its nap time.

"Nooo" Blaine whined and I definitely knew it was nap time.

"Come on, let's get you dried up and you can have a bath tonight" I say as I take him out and wrap him with a towel before heading indoors.

"Nooooooo" he cries as he rubs his eyes.

"Dad can you make Blaine a bottle please?" I say.

"And Britt?" San asks.

"Two bottles coming right up" dad says and Blaine did a cry/laugh.

"All done" I say as I ruffled his hair with the towel. We closed the curtains so it was like dark time for them as they are both used to having it slightly dark during their nap time anyway.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now