Chapter 4

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Bianca's P.O.V.

I woke up and hopped outta bed and saw my phone on the kitchen counter so I walked over to it and checked my email.

"Oh.... Fudge."

Seeing that PAX Is in two days I grabbed my phone and ran into my room stuffing clothes into my suitcase.

-After The Plane Cuz I'm Lazy-

I finally got off seeing it was 11 in the night. I was absolutely exhausted!

I got my suitcase and went outside waiting for my Uber to my hotel.

I saw a tall, blonde guy standing a few feet away from me.

Deciding to use my phone I saw my Uber and grabbed my suitcase.

I put it in the trunk of his car. He squinted his eyes and smiled.

"You're KrazyKhaos aren't you?"

I looked at him and nodded.

"Oh that's awesome. My kids watch you!"

I smiled and got in. Buckling my seat. I took a glance at the guy seeing it was Lachlan and waved smiling.

Mouthing 'Hey' as the driver took off not enough time for Lachlan to say hey back.

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