Ota jealousy final part

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  Yui pov.
I was worried about Ota.I am glad that i am not alone,because i would be really anxious.In our way to hotel,Baba tried to make me smile.I am grateful to have friends like him.
Baba-Don't worry he will be okay.
Yui-...I try but it still bother me.How mad he was.I knew it wasn't a good idea he to come with me.
Baba-He need some time.Don't lose your hope pretty lady.You should go to his room and wait for him.
Yui-Thank you Baba for everything!
Baba-I hope things go well with you two!See you later!
Yui-Take care of you.
Baba-You too.Goodbye.
I went to the elevator and used the key.We had many fights but this time is diferent.He really left me.Will this be the end?
I try to let my negative emotions go away.I need to be optimism.He will come back things will be as before.
I unlock the door.I try my best to not cry like an idiot.
Yui-I will prepare the diner.He might be hungry after all the work he done.
After one hour.
He hasn't call me at all.I hope he didn't do anything stupid.God Ota look what are you doing to me.I am going crazy because of you.Too bad i can't tell all this right in front of him.
Yui-Welcome home.Go change your clothes and after come to the kitchen i prepared the diner.
Ota-You...aren't angry?
Yui-Of course i am!But it was a long day.Fighting won't solve the problem.
Ota-Okay i will go to change.
Be calm Yui.Go to the kitchen and wait for him.You will find out what is going on his head.
After some minutes
Ota-I was jealous.
Yui-What?Are you serious?
This is the first time he admits he is jealous.I can't belive it.Me i was always the one who confessed it.
Ota-It was your fault.
Yui-Why is always my fault Ota?Me i was the one who told you to come with me?
Ota-Oh so you wanted to spend with him time alone.
Yui-Yes Ota i always wanted to spend time with him alone and with other guys as well.Happy?
Ota-I am serious here.
Yui-After all what happened to us.You don't trust me at all.
Ota-It's not like i don't trust you.I am afraid i will lose you.
Yui-Ota if i wanted to leave you.I could do it all this time.You know?
Ota-Yes but still...
Yui-It's up to you if you trust me or not.I am really tired of all this.
Ota-I am sorry you are right.
Yui-You don't need to apologize just next time.Don't leave me anymore okay?
He kissed me.I am glad i told him what i had been keeping in my heart.

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