Ota jealousy part 3

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Ota pov.
All i wanted was to leave that god damn place.I was furious,but i decided to be silent.Yui followed me without saying anything.
In our way to hotel,we met with Baba.He looked at me and knowed i was mad.It was better for me to be alone,since he is here.He should go with Yui to hotel.
Baba-Hi Guys!
Baba-Something happened?
Ota-I need to go.Go with Yui at hotel.
Baba-Hey...Where are you going?
I don't want to see her crying.It's better for me to leave i don't want to hurt her anymore.I don't know what's wrong with me.She maked me jealous sometimes but this time i can't calm myself at all.
                     To be continued

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