Ota jealousy part 1

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Yui PoV
I help Ota with his draws.I'm his muze.I am a little nervous,to be honest.I don't want to do any mistake.My phone is ringing.
Yui:Ota can we take a break?
I go to answer.It was Jeremy.It seems he wants to create me more problems.
Jeremy:Hey Yui.
Yui:What is it?
Jeremy:I need your help.You can come here.
I hang up.I returned to Ota.He doesn't look happy at all.
Yui:Ota can i go?I have something to deal with.
Ota:I don't finish the paint.
Yui:I will finish soon.I promise.
Ota:I'm not letting you go.
Ota:Because you are mine and you need to do what i tell you.
Yui:What's wrong with you?You don't trust me at all?
Ota:If you want to go you need to stay more.
Passed 35 minutes.
Ota:Is finally finish.
Yui:Ota can i go now?
Ota:I will come with you.
Ota:Do you have any problem?
Yui:No...Let's go.
We leave the studio.We went to Jeremy local.Many girl,noticed Ota and started to act crazy.Because of his look.I was jealous.I wanted to say something to Ota but Jeremy appears in front of us.
Jeremy:Hey Yui.Thanks for coming.
Yui:Hey Jeremy...my boyfriend decided to come with me.
Jeremy:I see...Nice to meet you.Your name is?
Ota-My name is Ota.
Ota starred at Jeremy.I started to feel unconfortable,i decided to make things better.
Yui:Tell me.What we can help you with?
Yui-You choosed to come with me.Because of you,i didn't showed at time.So you will help us.
Jeremy:That's a good idea.Well i need to work at my manga.Since you are bad at drawing,with your boyfriend help it might be good.
Yui-Bad at drawing huh.You really don't give a damn about my feelings.It seems you don't need me anymore at all.
Jeremy-Come on Yui...You are good at writing stories.Let me show you what i had thinked for manga.
Yui-Well okay...i guess.
Jeremy-Will you colaborate with me Ota?
Ota-Kisaki for you.Let me see what have you got here.
Jeremy is a good friend but sometimes  he doesn't know his limit.I am afraid,his attitude will get Ota mad.If they start a fight there,things won't be good for all of us.
Passed 1 hour.
We did a good job!I am so happy.Ota was in good mode.
Jeremy:It's been a long time.
Yui:I know.
He came closer.Oh no...don't do this please.Ota gonna get really mad.
Yui:Hey what are you doing?
Jeremy:What do you think?
Ota kicked Jeremy and destroyed his manga.To be honest i was mad that he destroyed the manga we had worked all but i am glad he stopped Jeremy.
What will be happen next?
                  To be continued.  

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