How you met (Part 4 Patrick)

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A/N Hey everyone, so hopefully this is going well so far, I know they have all been kind of short and cut off kind of randomly, but I promise I will try to get better! So I wanted to get out the first few parts right away just to get the ball rolling. Hopefully you guys can tell me any requests ( just comment or message me) I will try to update a few times a week, but with school and stuff it might be a bit slow. So stick with me there is much more to come! Hope you enjoy the final, how you met segment, let me know if you want to see more of this!

" come on Y/n, it will be fun!!" Your best friend pleaded " there will be music, and beer so you can just get drunk and dance! Everyone else will be drunk and dancing with you, plus I hear there is going to be cute guys there." You sigh, your friend had been trying to convince you to go to this party all week. You would rather stay home and catch up on your classes, and scroll through tumblr. You look into the pleading eyes of your best frind and sigh.
" Fine I will go, but only for a few hours." Y/b/f squeels.
" Its going to be so much fun! We can wear matching jewlery, and do each others hair and makeup!"
" You know I suck at hair and makeup. I will go with you but I'm not drinking."
*** ( flash forward to the party)
You leaned against the wall of some guys living room, you silently sipped on your coke, it was the only non alcoholic drink you could find. y/b/f had slipped off into the crowd leaving you to fend for yourself, which you did a horrible job of.
You knew almost no one at this party, a few faces you recognized from your university classes, but you didn't know their names.
You sighed and checked the time on your phone, it was nearing midnight. You wondered if you should find y/b/f or if you should just leave, the university campus wasn't far from here.
You were just about to shove off the wall when a small, slightly chubby guy slid next to you.
" I saw that you were alone, and I was also alone, and you were drinking coke so I thought maybe you don't like parties and I don't either, so I thought instead of trying to like parites alone we can secretly hate the party together." the guy rambled and then gave me a small smile. You laughed his face brightened, you had to admit this guy was kind of adorable, with his trucker hat and band teeshirt.
" Im Patrick by the way." You smile.
" y/n, and if you hate parties why are you here?" He scopes the room.
" You see that guy over there, black hair, tattoos, has no shirt on, and is dancing on the coffee table?" You look and spot the guy immediatly, and raise an eyebrow at his drunken apperance. " Yeah I'm here with him, he and I are in a band together and we played at a place down the street." This got your attention and you turn back to Patrick.
" A band? Are you guys any good?" He laughs.
" I really don't know to be honest, I like to think we are?" he says it like a question, then its like a thought crosses his mind and his expression changes. " Tell you what give me your number, and I can text you when our next show is and you can come see if we are good or not."
You smile " sounds like a deal." He pases you your phone and you add your number into it, and pass it back. He looks at it and smiles.
" Well I guess I will see you then, I should go get Pete before he really embarrasses himself." You laugh before you hear a loud crash over the sound of the music and purple hightops flailing in the air before they disappear from sight.
" I think your too late." You both laugh and Patrick waves and ducks into the crowd. You smile and look forward to when you get his text.

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