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You hum along to the radio as you clean the kitchen. It was a mess because Pete had all his friends over to discuss their new band album last night.

You sigh and clean wishing your boyfriend could clean up his own stuff. You quickly shrug it off and then your favorite song comes on the radio you smile to yourself and start quietly singing along.

Your quite singing soon becomes full out belting out the song while twirling around the kitchen throwing out pizza boxes. You dance your way over to the sink and begin washing plates hips swinging to the beat. When someone grabs you by the waist you scream.

" Hey woah Y/n calm down." You calm down when you realize its Pete, you turn down the radio and face him he has a slight pout on his face.

" You scared the crap out of me, why are you are pouting?" You ask.

" Well I was trying to be all romantic and come tell you you sing like an angel and then you screamed!" He defends placing his head on your shoulder.

" See I know your lying because I sould like a dying cat when I sing." You point out. Pete swishes your hair away from your neck and kisses it.

" You sound beautiful, and thank you for cleaning I was going to do it last night but I fell asleep." You smile and kiss his forehead.

" Its okay Peteypie." He smiles and you two spend the rest of the morning dancing around the kitchen and doing some cleaning (not alot but some).

You mutter to yourself as you try to reach under the couch.

" dam remote always fricken falling. why are my arms so fricken short thats it I am getting that remote app on my phone this is bull..." you get cut off when your boyfriend walks in.
" Y/n what are you doing on the floor?" Andy asks.

" I am trying to get the remote that has just decided it is going to vacation under the goddam couch!" You rant out and let out a aggravated groan when you can just feel the remote on the tips of your fingers but can't grab it fully.

" Do you want help?" Andy asks he knows you are fed up and ready to tear the couch to shreds if you must.

" What do you think Andy i want to spend my life on the living room floor?"

" Why do you even want to watch TV? You never watch TV." Andy asks. You roll over to stare at him.

" Maybe because I want too." You hiss out. Andy puts his hands up in defence.

" Let me help you then." He walks over and lifts up one side of the couch you pick up the remote easily and back up as he places it back down.

You hold the remote in your hand and stare at it now that you have it you realize you never really wanted it in the first place. You feel like crying when you realize how mean you were to Andy. Dam your hormones.

Andy walks into the kitchen and comes back with a carton of strawberries he places them in your lap kisses your forehead and you two spend the rest of the day watching movies on the couch.
" Joe you have too much hair!" You yell out the bathroom door. You had to clean it because your parents were coming over, and the amount of hair that Joe had shed around the bathroom was gross.

Joe peaks his head in. " Its the price to pay for being fabulous." You give him a joking death glare.

" Can you help me clean in here?" You beg.

" Nope no way Y/n deal was I clean the living room you clean the bathroom." You give him your best puppy dog face and he sighs. " Thats not fair you know I cant resist that face." You smile as he enters the bathroom and kisses you quickly.

"Yup couldn't resist to kiss it Im Out!" He walks out of the bathroom.

" Hey!" You yell then sigh when you realize he isnt coming back.

Eventually you finish cleaning the bathroom and it actually looks good for once. You walk to the living room and see Joe sprawled out on the couch.

You cant resist you go and body flop right on top of him and squirm around.

" Stop squirming Oh my god Y/n your elbow hurts. Ow you got such boney shoulders gawd." Joe cries out while you get comfortable. He lets out a relieved sigh when you stop moving. He plays with your hair and scrolls through his phone you watch him do this silently.

Then you get bored and sit up and move until you straddle Joe's lap. He raises an eyebrow at you questioning. You smile and kiss him softly. "next time" you whisper against his lips "you are cleaning up your hair from the bathroom." He laughs and you two cuddle on the couch.
Patrick :
You riffle through the walk in closet and wonder when it became such a pile of junk. You cant even see the floor anymore! You sigh and give up your dream of finding that one pair of shoes you wanted to wear tomorrow. The closet apparently ate them.

You want to walk away and close the door of the closet and forget about the mess that lies within, but you know your boyfriend Patrick is coming home from his tour tomorrow and will be appalled to see the condition it is in. You sigh and sit on the floor this is going to take awhile.

Half way through sorting it out you have found the most random of things you never knew you even owned. There was a barbie doll, a sparkly high heel shoe with no match you have never seen before in your life, a toy shark, and a plastic maniquin hand.

Like what is that even doing in here? You continue sorting when you hear a noise downstairs, you shrug it off thinking it might be your cat. But when more noises sound and you hear the bedroom door opening you panic and grab the closest thing to you, the fake hand.

" Suprise!" someone yells you throw the hand as hard as you can and hear a loud thwack as it hits the intruder. Who yells in pain and tumbles to the floor. " Ow Y/n did you just throw a hand at me?" wait a second you know that voice you crawl out of the closet and see Patrick on the floor grasping his shoulder.

" Oh my god Patrick! I thought you were some theif or rapistor something! You werent supposed to be home until tomorrow you big shmuck! ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK HERE?"

" Jeez we just got an earlier plane and I thought it be a nice suprise Im sorry." He gives you a sad look and you immediately feel bad.

" Im sorry Patrick you just scared me Im happy you are home." You crawl up to him and hug him and kiss his cheeks. " By the way why do we have a fake hand?" Patrick laughs and pulls you into a kiss. You never finnished cleaning the closet.

A/n I cannot tell you how many times I accidentally wrote Hoe instead of Joe. Seriously why is the H right next to the J?

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