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SHORT // enjoy 

   Mel bounced back and forth on her feet as she placed a coin into the open slot of the payphone, pushing it into the machine with her thumb. She dialed a number she recalled from her memory and waited as the phone rang. 

   "He-" The voice on the other end of the call didn't get the chance to greet her. 

     "Sorry that it's late but I really need to rant about something that just happened tonight." Mel huffed into the phone as she leaned up against the phone booth. 

     "Alright, shoot." The male's voice on the other end didn't phase Mel -even though she meant to call one of her girlfriends instead. 

     "Where to begin..." She started as she heard the other person on the line get comfortable, "I'll try and sum up the whole issue since I don't have many coins to keep my time frame open but basically I'm having a life crisis. I'm stuck in the middle of a big city without my friends and family, my apartment barely has any furniture in it and I don't know what to do with myself. I mean, of course it will take time to build something here but I'm not a very patient person, y'know? I just want to get everything I need as soon as possible and just live without the worry of being kicked out. I'll have no where to go and I probably won't even be able to afford  flight home." She could picture the other person on the line nodding and listening -hopefully.

     "Well, not that I've been in that particular situation but my parents have. You're right when you say it takes time, but that's when you can train yourself to be patient. Just work really hard and in the end, everything will fall into place. My parents moved into a new country, leaving their lives behind as well, and started fresh here. Growing up it was tough because they'd sacrifice anything for me to do sports and such. My dad worked two jobs and my mom wanted to stay at home to spend time with me but it all worked out I guess. So keep that in mind, lots of people have been in your situation and they made it out alive therefore you can too. We've all suffered in some strange way, shape or form." He finished speaking and Mel found herself more interested with his story than ever. 

     "One minute remaining. Insert another coin to add more time." The automated voice overlapped his just as he finished. 

      "Looks like it's time to part ways." He said and chuckled.

       "I suppose so." Mel shrugged although he couldn't see her. 

       "It was lovely speaking to you-" He started but Mel cut him off.

      "I never caught your name..." She spoke as she took her lower lip in between her teeth.

       "It's Liam. I hope everything gets sorted, love. Take care-" And the line went dead.

                                                                 © tomlinciti. all rights reserved.

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