The Broken Soccerball

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Ariel's heart raced, luckily the guys picked up on the panic and hid. Her mother's head peeked in. "Who was that?" She hissed. "Um I'm watching TV, was that what you heard?" She asked, trying not to panic in front of her mom. "I guess so. Jesus Christ kid, why can't you be normal for once in your miserable life!" She growled before leaving once more. A breath of relief left Ariel's lips as she collapsed into her bed. "Are you sure that's your mom? She doesn't seem like a mother." Leonardo asked as him and his brothers emerged out of hiding. The redhead girl nodded before looking up at the eldest brother. " I know she doesn't seem like much but she's all I have." She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. Leonardo then looked at the girl and asked, " Do you mind if we crash here for a bit? It'll just be until we find a way to get back home." Ariel beamed, "Of course! I don't mind." As the words left her mouth, there was another strange by emitting from the TV. The five pair of eyes looked at it with curiosity. Just like before the light got brighter and brighter before it too bright to handle. They are shielded their eyes from the light. When they open them they found a broken machine at guy's feet that was no bigger than a soccer ball. "What is that?" The wide eyed girl asked, getting sick of being blinded. "It's the Kraang device that sent us here." Donnie answered as he picked up said device. The poor thing was beaten beyond repair. It looked like it had pieces missing and was covered in dents. The purple clad turtle sighed in frustration at its condition. "You wouldn't have any spare parts or tools, would you?" He asked looking at the girl. She thought for a minute before remembering all of her dad's old tools that were still in the shed. "Well my dad had some in the storage space out back... There may be some parts out there as well." She smiled at her idols. " but that'll have to wait until morning, or when my mother goes on her shopping trip." She added, silently fangirling about spending the weekend with them. They all nodded in understanding. Then Mikey grinned as he said, " Sorry! But we don't know your name, dudette!" A blush dusted her cheeks, after all this time and she didn't give them her name. "It's A-Ariel." She said, turning shy once more. "Are you always this shy?" Raphael bluntly asked. The girl's blush worsened as she nodded, looking at her comforter. "Oh leave her alone! She just met four muntants, I'm sure she's nervous enough." Leo huffed in her defense. Raph look like he was about to retaliate but was soon shut down by his other brother, Donatello. " it's been a long night for all of us. I'm sure Ariel's the most stressed one. Having four mutant turtles just come in through your TV can do that to you. I suggest we all get some sleep." He said, breaking up the fight before it could start. "There's extra blankets and pillows in the closet. Make yourselves comfortable." Ariel smiled, pointing to the door. The Turtles nodded and helped themselves to the bedding in the closet. "Thanks dudette!" Mikey smiled, making himself a pallet on the floor. "Yes, thank you." Leo parroted, laying down on his makeshift bed. Raph just nodded at her. Donnie smiled and said, "Thank you, Ariel." She blushed as she turned off her lamp. "Your welcome." She said simply before crawling into bed. She thought she would be to excited for sleep, but she quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.

Three chapters in a day, go me... Anyways sorry for any errors I may have made! ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

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