The Plague

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Two years. A hundred and ninety seven days. Thirteen hours. Fifty nine minutes. Eleven seconds. That is how long we have to find a cure for the world. Two years. A hundred and ninety seven days. Thirteen hours. Fifty nine minutes. Nine seconds. More than half of humanity has been wiped out. A deadly bacteria has spread to the whole world, every human is infected. We are all dying slowly.

Two years. A hundred and ninety seven days. Thirteen hours. Fifty seven minutes. Twenty seconds. I just saw my baby brother die...Again. It is always the scariest thing ever; his pale skin became red and gross, painful welts peppered his little body until they popped causing puss and blood to spread. Each one is worse then the last, no one cares to think about the fact that they are killing children.

One year. Seventy three days. Twelve minutes. One second. Sometimes the disease progresses faster than the cure. This is one of those painful times, the WHO has globally told everyone that the bacteria causes total organ failure and in some cases coma, which is harder to cure. One year. Seventy three days. Eight minutes. Nine second. Only about six billion people are left alive through out the whole world. I am afraid. Afraid that I will be the last one. It has happened before, it can always happen again. I am alone now. Mom is dead, Daddy as well.
Two months. Three days. Six minutes. Fifty one seconds. The cure is only seventy five percent done. I am going to be the last, I am going to watch everyone else die.

Ten people. Eighty percent. Nine people. Eighty four percent. Eight people. Eighty eight percent. Seven people. Ninety percent. Six people. Ninety three percent. Five people. Ninety six percent. Four people. Ninety eight percent. Three people. Ninety nine percent. Two people. Cure complete. We wiped out the plague, our ignorance caused this destruction.
When the player shuts off this round, everything will go back to normal.
Except for me, I will remember. We won this round of Plague. Inc. but we could easily lose the next game.

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