Chapter 43

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I woke up to laying on something hard. Memories of a couple hours ago and last night came back to me.

I was such a fucking mess. I touched my eyes and they felt swollen and puffy.

I had been crying. God, what the hell was with all this crying? I haven't cried in 8 months and now, I'm just crying the ocean.

I looked up and saw I was still In the same position I was a couple hours ago. I looked at Harry and saw he was still asleep.

Pink, plump lips parted. Eyes closed and brows furrowed. His curly hair was stuck up in all places.

I soon wiggled myself out of his arms and went to the bathroom. It was joined in to the bedroom.

I looked in the mirror and I looked like hell. Puffy and swollen, red, eyes. Hair scrunched and messed up, and nose red.

Then, I heard footsteps coming my way.

Through the door came Harry. He seemed to notice what I was doing because on his face was a look of concern.

"Everything is okay." He reassured me.

I turned to look at him. He looked like hell too. I must have kept him up all night.

"Do you want anything to eat or something? I think you could use some food. You need to eat."

I just nodded and he walked out of the room. I was so fucking tired.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway. I was met with a shirtless Harry sizzling up some eggs.

He had on a pair of sweatpants and then I noticed all the tattoos on him. I noticed a couple when I first met him, but there were more. His body was art.

He soon realized my presence and turned.

"You can take a shower here if you want." He muttered, flipping the eggs.

"I'm fine, but thank you."

That's when he turned his full attention on me. He looked me in the eyes.

"Anne, you're not fine. What is going on?"

"Nothing. Everything is okay." I repeated his words.

He knew I wouldn't tell him, so he gave up.


I went over and sat across from him, on the stool, at the counter. I just stared at the egg until I spoke up.

"Thank you." Was all I said.

He stopped messing with the food. Just stopped. I could tell he was looking at me, but I was still looking at the egg.

Soon, I met his gaze. His eyebrows were furrowed and looking intently at me.

He didn't say anything, just stared. He nodded, and then turned his attention back to the food.

Soon, the food was ready and we ate in silence. I was glad. I didn't want to talk and didn't have much strength to.

After I finished, I spoke up.

"I should go. I have a couple classes today."

Harry looked up and swallowed down his food to speak.

"Okay." Was all he said, and he darted off to my room, where I slept.

He came back a couple minutes later, with my jacket and phone in his hand.

"Here you go."

"Thank you, Harry."

"Anytime, Anne. Anytime."

I put on my shoes and grabbed the stuff from his hands.

"Bye, Harry."

"Bye." He said.

And with that, I walked out of Harry's place.

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