Chapter 28

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As soon as I agreed, Harry slowly joined the other side of my booth.

"Hello, I am Harry Edward Styles. And you are?"

He stuck his hand and grinned ear to ear.

"Anne." I said, and shook his hand, while smiling.

"You really don't get this introducing thing, do you? You're supposed to say you're full name too!" He laughed.

I couldn't help, but laugh too. Finally, I gave in.

"Okay, you win. I'm Anne. Anne Elizabeth Wood." I smiled.

"Finally, nice to meet you, Miss Anne Elizabeth Wood. Beautiful name."

"Thank you."

"Anyways, what are you writing?" He looked down at my notebook.

"Some notes for my classes." Lied through my teeth.

"Mmmhmm..." He said, and looked up into my eyes.

"What are you doing for um... College? What do you want to become?"

He smiled.

"Finally, you spoke more than 4 words. And, to answer your question, business degree."

"What do you want to be?"

"I want to have a record store. A big record store."

"A record store?"

"Yes, Annie. A record store."

I stiffened at the name he called me. No. No. No. Too many memories.

"Um... It's getting late. I should go."

He noticed my stiffness. I know he did.

"Are you alright? Did I do-"

I cut him off. "No, no you didn't. I just forgot I had some stuff to do at home."

"Oh... Um... Okay." He got up. "I'll see you later, Annie."

"Bye, Harry."

And then I left.

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