ever after high

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headmaster grim:  students please. meet me in the auditorium. now

raven:  I wonder what's going on?

apple:  its probably. more about the safety. of your story

raven:  uggh your kidding

apple: nope

headmaster:  students. as you know we have received. a. few. unexpected. guest. and I'm afraid. we have bad news... the students. will be leaving. in four days

(everyone gasps)

raven:  headmaster isn't. there a way for them not to go ?

headmaster : I'm afraid. not Ms queen and besides there own dimension. needs them

Cupid:  but they can't. leave

apple:  yeah we began to become great friends now they are just leaving?

( everyone complaining)

male narrator:  what?! there leaving what happens next! ?

female narrator:  you left us with cliff hanger!

me:  guys this story has a happy forever after

male narrator:  like they all don't. there's. always. one

me:  guys shut up or you won't. find out what happens

both: fine

me : and so ends another. chapter but remember. the end is just the beginning

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